I play an arcanist. Took me a while to figure it out. But, like it and can handle solo content no problem. But, when playing in group content everything dies before I can cast my spells. Cast time and cooldowns need to be adjusted so we can be more involved in the fight.
I am in the same boat. I do not even want to think about how many liras favor I lost because I did not know there was a cap. I have been farming 1k plus fireworks on my characters and turning them in each day. Did not see there was a cap until I went to spend them. No mention anywhere of this being capped!
Middle 2 boons in Tyranny of Dragons Campaign are missing. Can not find anywhere to purchase greater demonic key since Underdark is now the Dwarven King Adventure.
I can confirm this as an issue. I have had it happen to me on several occasions. The bug is also corrected if you switch to a different map using a dungeon exit or vip signpost.
So, I think we figured it out. It is the Ox Stots ability that is adding the stun to the encounter heal powers. Not sure if that is what was intended or not. I would think it would not be intended for offensive powers.