Well I completely disabled my firewall and now it's working. Been using this firewall for years, so I'm not sure why all of a sudden it would block Cryptic. Plus i was able to connect to both the test server and the alpha server. Either way, I have found a way to work around it. Hope this helps anyone else with this issue.
Plus i am able to connect to and create a character on the Alpha test server Owlbear. Which I don't recall ever seeing as an option in the past. Hope I haven't been hacked or something...
I live in Wisconsin. I played the game for several months after launch, then took a break. Popped in every now and then, including last week for a few hours. Everything worked fine. Then a few days ago I got this message so I just assumed there was mantainance and moved on. Now Today is the first time Ive tried it since,…
Strange. I am able to create and play a character on the Owlbear server, but can't seem to connect to the main server. I would feel foolish if there were maintanance currently, but I don't see anything...And like you said, if it were effecting everyone, the forums would be lit up.
You are entitled to your opinion. You can buy a ward on the auction house for 100k AD. You can easily get 100k AD in a week or significantly less if you know what you are doing. Even if it did take a week, I am ok with that. it is supposed to take some time to acquire the best items in the game. If you want to use the…
The wards are fairly easy to get and also fairly cheap if you know all the different ways to get them. (Most listed above) The problem is that at first glance, this really does look like a gigantic cash grab. As well as many other things. The longer I play this game, the more I realize that it's very easy to get anything…
I posted 2 Rare Alchemy assets. Blue alchemists in fact. It's entirely plausible that they would be sold out so soon after launch, so I paid it no mind. Regardless, this is no fault of my own or anyone else that gets AD stolen from them when attempting to use the auction house. This isn't beta anymore.
Because the Item would be bound and you wouldn't get AD for it, Only a few coins at a vendor. So you would have to roll greed like everyone else if you intended to sell it for AD.
I believe Intermediate would work just fine to keep the masses happy and content. Lets keep this poll active and bumped to the top. I know many of you don't believe Cryptic cares, but in fact they do. They monitor these forums regularly and value your feedback as well as polls like this.
I support this change IF we see Dragon eggs actually drop somewhere at a reasonable % instead of them coming primarily from lock boxes. I like the idea of crafted epics actually being relevant, but this will skyrocket the value of dragon eggs. And if Dragon eggs will still primarily come from the Zen store.... well then…
Update: Ok, not sure if the Preview patch triggered the remainder of the live patch, but in any case, after the second patch for the live server, I'm in the game. Hope this helps anyone else that is having the same issue.
Yeah, after patching the Preview launcher, now there is another patch for the live launcher at 768 MB. So perhaps the initial patch wasn't even close to being complete.
There is a 368 MB patch for the Preview shard even though I already had the major content patch for the preview shard installed a few days ago. Not sure why so large of a patch considering the list of new items on the Preview shard is rather small compaired to the update content. I'll see if perhaps having both launchers…
There really needs to be a way to respec (several times and free of charge) on the Preview Server. Nobody. And I mean nobody is going to pay to respec a character on your test shard. So it isn't like you are going to be losing any revenue. If you want us to truly test changes made to abilities and feats, it is essential…
The lower the exchange rate, the more valuable AD becomes. A lower exchange rate rewards people willing to put the time in to earn AD. At the same time it lowers the value of items in the cash shop because Zen can be aquired for a lesser amount of AD, and Zen shop items are a fixed amount. Credit card gamers get less bang…
Very first thing I noticed when I logged into the test server was the inability to tinker with powers and feats that have been changed. If you guys want feedback, you have to allow us the freedom to actually test things. There should be limitless feat and powers respec tokens.
The concept seems fairly similar to Wintergrasp in WoW. While WG certainly had balance issues at the beginning, it was immensely popular with both the pvp and pve crowds. I really enjoyed WG, so I hope to enjoy this as well.
Cool to hear that you are having fun :) I wish more people like you would post on the forums, but sadly, a large majority of threads are created by people that come to the forums because they are unhappy. While most happy/content players tend to either avoid the forum or just read it. The "recommended" feature isn't a fail…
I believe Aandre is referring to Gold/AD selling spam adds from illicit sites. While there certainly is some present in zone chat, it happens in spurts, and is quite rare compared to most other MMOs at launch. If you would like to personally see what terrible chat spam is, go check out RaiderZ. 1. Please implement Official…
There are lots of legit ways to make AD. I can make 500k per day w/o spending a dime. I won't give away my secrets, but its all about supply and demand. Look at things that sell well on the auction house, figure out the different ways to attain such items, then figure out if it would be profitable to go through the effort…
This is both encouraging and disheartening at the same time. Thanks for taking the time to reply and assuring us that it will be looked into, but at the same time, your post implies that you guys weren't aware of this problem to begin with. The que system note only should have a vote to kick option, but it should always…
I disagree. The trade channels I have seen in MMOs are used constantly. Just to name a few, Vanguard, Rift, WoW. People will always spam Zone or general chat, but it is significantly less in games with lfg and trade channels. And gold is far from useless. Top end healing potions and injury kits and crafting mats are not…
I believe they care. Despite the way it seems at times. For various reasons. I think their biggest fault is that they grossly underestimated the amount of people there were going to get, and most of this is a direct result of that. They are guilty of being unprepaired imo, but not ignorance. All that being said, I lmao at…