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  • Seeing these quests on top of the Best list makes me want to find the guy behind them and punch him. Not that I'd ever do that, but it sure as hell would have been satisfying. A simple solution would be to have quests that are removed due to exploitation still count against the creator's quest limit. Made 10 exploit quests…
  • Why does every thread have to devolve into a whining competition about which features people like the most or least in this game? Is it too much to ask to respect that sometimes people want to talk about other things with each other once in a while?
  • I'm still here from time to time. I've been plagued with computer problems over the last few months, including two complete shutdowns that required sending my stationary PC across the country for repairs. The last time required swapping out the motherboard, graphics card and water cooler because of a leak in the latter.…
  • It was reported back in the Foundry beta and has never been fixed. I think the issue right now is that they risk breaking half the quests in the Foundry (including some of the top rated ones, mine included) if they fix the bug. Any nonstandard values quest creators have been putting into that box would come back to bite…
  • I've made huge progress on chapter 3 today, yay! A little closer to release... :) Here's a small teaser if only to prove that I'm actually working on it:
  • It would actually help if they brought back the zoom functionality. The dialogue editor was dramatically different back in the beta, and while the change was an overall improvement, we did lose some handy features, among them the stuff that would have solved the issue you're having. While the current solution is easy to…
  • Oh man, please don't ever say anything even remotely similar to what you just said to a developer. Speaking as a developer myself, if someone outside the development team said that a feature they wanted was already 98% complete, I'd have to fight the urge to punch said person. :P Saying stuff like that risks annoying…
  • The reason for this restriction in quest objective dialogues is probably to protect us from accidentally "locking" the conversation if the player selects something unexpected, particularly in complex dialogues. Even the best of us could end up creating a neverending loop that would make it impossible to complete our quests…
  • Ooh, that would have been useful for the map I'm working on right now. I like it. :)
  • It's a game. The end-goal should always be to have fun. If you're looking at anything except "fun" as your goal of playing, I would venture to say you've messed up your priorities at some point. ;)
  • You eventually get both a unique companion and mount through the author achievements, but you also need community achievements to get these.
  • But hundreds of quests? There's only so much inspiration someone could need. Positive spin or not, this is a grind that is needlessly holding authors back from reaching their potential, either in terms of achievements or in terms of actual quest creation.
  • It's somewhat counter intuitive too. In order to reach higher ranks of Foundry Authoring, you also need to build up your Foundry Community. By forcing us to play hundreds upon hundreds of quests that may or may not even count in the first place, Cryptic is just making sure that we have much less time to actually make new…
  • Reviews seem to be trickling in again. :)
  • For anyone wondering what's happening with this campaign, it's still being worked on. Chapter 3 is very ambitious, and I'm about 3/4 done with it. While it won't be as large as chapter 2 (or so I think), it won't be anywhere near as short as chapter 1 either. It's also highly unusual in its structure, as far as Foundry…
  • For the record, I watched the video way back when it was first posted. Notice the Silverstar under my handle. My interest in the Foundry is above average.
  • Again, you're reading things that aren't there. In particular, you're adding the word "only" where it doesn't belong. It makes the entire difference.
  • Re-reading the first post, I realize that you're doing this the wrong way. AFAIK, you can't have a patrol going through a closed door, which is why you're getting the error. The Foundry is trying to protect you from having a patrol walk up to a door and abandon its patrol route when it can't get through. What you really…
  • Amazing. You link to an image that contradicts what you're saying. He's not saying anything about comparisons to official content. He's saying that only about 200 received the highest rating. That's not a matter of interpretation. That's simple fact. Then again, I know math and reading can be hard.
  • Keep in mind that even if you get this fixed, enemies are too stupid to navigate open doors in my experience.
  • "Foundry authors are all leaving and frustrated" - When did you become a spokesperson for the author community? I prefer to speak for myself, thank you very much. If you are leaving and frustrated, then that's ok. Don't put words into other authors' mouths though. You really have no idea where people have gone. If you ask…
  • There are ways to hide it through the use of invisible walls in particular, but I wouldn't do so if I were you. The game has been designed around these indicators and players have been trained to expect them. Turning them off would only serve to frustrate your players in most cases. You'd end up with a pretty poor average…
  • By the way, keep in mind that this ability isn't unlocked until level 30 (AFAIK), so it won't summon anything for lower level characters.
  • One of the Battle Wights (the witch) can summon skeletons. Sorry I can't be more specific, as I don't have the Foundry in front of me.
  • You should never put yourself in a situation where you need to fill a large outdoor map with detail objects.
  • This has been a popular topic since the beta. The challenge is to realize that less is more in art design for games. Putting tons of detail into maps can be tempting, but it usually doesn't make it look better. It's all about placing the right details. The first two chapters of From the Shadows, my own campaign, aren't…
  • I never bothered to follow mine up, and there wasn't a way in the interface to report them that I could see. Had I lived in the US I wouldn't have reported them to Cryptic anyway. I would have reported them to the police. This kind of thing, no matter how harmless it might seem to those of us used to the Internet, is…
  • The Foundry is currently in a state of flux after the patch. Not all quests have been published, and editing is offline for the time being. Don't worry about how it looks right now, as this is just a temporary situation.
  • It's both things at once. The textures aren't pixelated, but they are definitely of lower resolution as well as not being enhanced by details or normal mapping. When crypticmapolis refers to low quality, he's probably talking about every aspect of it.
  • I have to admit that I'm a little worried about this myself. I'm writing dialogue-heavy quests, and it would be a shame if I run into an artificial limit that forces me to redesign my entire quest.