Last night, we had somebody empty all the Epic gear from our Guild bank and then quit the guild. The guild is quite new and I can see logs which go back prety much to our creation. The interesting thing is that I cannot see in these logs how or when the person in question joined the guild. I am however entirely sure that…
I think the point they were trying to make is that you can only do GG 3 or 4 times per day, during the event. Nothing else has this problem. If it were during the Foundry, PVP or Dungeon events then people could still do them when the servers are back up, albeit for fewer rewards.
Has anyone been able to confirm how long the vendor will be around in Protectors? I have a fair few 'flowers for everyone!'. I am not sure if I should put them on the AH or exchange them for something from the shop :/
So from the comments, you would assume nobody likes PVP. Yet from the actual stats, it turns out only about 1/3rd of people don't like PVP. Ultimately, they need to do this properly and have gear and stats completely separate for PVP/PVE It is the only way to keep it fair and interesting. It is also the only way to ensure…
So this is what he has to say to his CHILDREN. Which is what most of the complainers are sounding like in my opinion. "It's not fair". Such is life, I say. I have been playing this game for the best part of 3 months. I opened 11 Lockboxes and got pretty much nothing, but I knew the risks and I rolled the dice anyway.…
I used the glory from my main character (a GWF) to buy a Floating Dagger companion for my Alt (a Devoted Cleric). In my experience, it has not be useless at all. I think it is an incredibly useful pet to use when leveling new characters. I am currently lv 52 and the thing has more HP than I do and hits harder than I do.…
I am sure there willl be a lot of new characters created this weekend with 2 new races available. Now I just need to decide if I want to roll a Drow Trickster or a Moon Elf Control Wizard. Choices choices.