Too bad the Tiefling isn't a cash shop race. That would have prompted them to fix this bug asap. I am guessing it never gets fixed, but I hope I'm wrong.
If you want to see where Cryptic's priorities are - check out this patch thread. No actual fixes, they are just closing exploits that are costing them money. So for all those hoping for all these bugs to be fixed - lol. You are SOL. If it…
Are you high? You do know that GF's and CW's ruin the economy more than any other exploit right? A single GF can SOLO epic castle never you ****! Since all gear is BOE, dozens of items make it to market after each run through. I don't doubt the CW's can do the same thing with their set bug that allows them to hit for…
Care to share which ones it works on? I tried it EXTENSIVELY (for HOURS) with three different spells and it worked with none of them. If it's just like Evocation, then it works on less than half of our spells, making it pointless to be a Tiefling. But hey. it's still better than working on nothing. So please share the…
imivo, dude you are saying that CW's should teleport in, cast Steal Time, and teleport out. You do know that if you teleport in and cast Steal Time or SoEA, it will just put them on cooldown and have no effect right? You need to teleport in, wait a few seconds, cast, and then teleport out. Pretty sure its a bug ATM. Really…
This is an epic thread. Please keep it updated. My biggest issue is Steal Time and SoEA being wasted if cast right after a teleport, and the Tiefling racial not stacking with Tempest Magic. My other issue is all the spells that don't crit properly! WTH is up with that?
Not to kick the OP while he's down, but sadly I had the exact same sentiment. It's PW! Come one now! Play their game and buy Zen. That is all they care about. The $200 you gave them? Worth less than the $50 I spent on Zen cards and traded for AD at 500 to 1 ratio. The other $50 I spent got me an ACCOUNT wide mount for all…
Go with the cleric. After you hit 30, the tank becomes useless because he can't keep up, but the cleric always heals for % of your HP. I would get the cat asap though. It helps a ton.