shhh it's 'open beta' I'm sure the caring and ingenious developers at Cryptic will get to work on adding some depth and challenge to dungeons that don't involve spawning 509867 adds and of course fix threat/aggro, maybe never. -_- Hey, at least we have money transactions working correctly, right?
what you havent taken into consideration is that once someone has farmed/afk'd enough glor to buy their gear they're more than likely not going to step foot in pvp again ;) 2 straight and narrow arenas which amount to nothing but zerging around and spamming cc's isn't very engaging.
wait what?! O_o on another note, for those not sure what to expect from NWO and it's cashgrab read this:
The problem here is that everything is essentially relying on AD/zen to be done. Nothing and I mean nothing useful is done via in game gold currency. This is where the problem is. Respeccing is part of the fun of experimenting with your character, learning the ins and outs not having to worry about how many ad's you…
please read this: puts the 'free to play' into perspective.
wrong. Basic game features weren't reliant on spending real cash or were their forced limitations in place to try and steer players into spending money. ie: limited bank slots, non craftable bags, character bound purchases of said bags and bank slots, respecs costing money. GW2 was buy to play but you paids to unlock…
foundry in no way rewards players with anything but wasting some time when there's little left to do in the game. NWO needs way more zone events/dynamic quests to keep us busy but alas thats an impossibility thanks to the lazyass design of 'instanced' levels and lack of any imagination in zones. Little imagination was put…
blah blah CC is broken. No dicussion. Hows about removing this bull**** lock on that every class can do to TR's by pressing CTRL? Even in stealth we're still targetable/locked on.
Very well said and surprised it came from a HotN. Couldnt have said it better myself. Also fanboy tards should read this : and see exactly how viable the not paying option of this trash is.
Sorry but Rift ****s all over this ten fold. Also people should really read this. Puts the whole cash grab into perspective:
shh it's open beta but theyre charging through the nose via the cash shop while the going is good until everyone jumps ship to Wildstar or something that's not PWE. Here's what needs to be fixed: 1. Turn off Auto Fill ****ing chat ****. 2. Reporting afk'ers or a 5min afk auto boot out in pvp. 3. Invite to party via right…