You want experience and camaraderie? How entitled of you. The entire experience will involve running down a straight hallway, and you'll be split from your 'comrades' for over 90% of the time. Seriously though, entitlement is something people toss around on the internet way too much and it's losing all meaning. OP just…
I've had this problem too. I found you can get the full list back by sorting by simple things like 'a' or 'e' to see all tasks you would anyway, very odd.
Too bad. The original was Neverwinter, this is Neverwinter online. The better game (not to mention the first) gets the priority. If they wanted people to call this the name they wanted they should have picked one that wasn't taken. I've never heard anyone call this just 'neverwinter', I doubt I ever will except in type.
Luckily for you they will be able to trace that sale on the AH (probably) and ban whomever made it. I have no idea if their system is that sophisticated though. Oh, and change your password immediately and scan your system for any keyloggers if you haven't done so.
Why bother? You can spend your 60 in other ways and get far more useful items than are included in the pack. Amusing, considering the 'value' estimates in the packs.
I'm enjoying it, but only because I'm playing pretty casual with this game. I just know when I start getting into armor/weapon crafting (only doing leadership right now) I'll probably have the same complaints as everyone else since it doesn't scale to level, though.
Every time I read more about this launch (from this forum and others) I'm more and more glad I didn't spend any money on this game. Horrible customer service, horrible response to problems... just horrible.
I'd love for the game to be (at least loosely) connected to the original DnD system. I know there are elements already being used, but from the way the combat flows I doubt there are even rounds in the engine. Those familiar number schemes just break the back of any potential learning curve.