But if there is no rollback you might get a mount quite cheaply from the AH if that's what you were after? Appreciate you spent money on it already but if you got one cheap would it make it a bit easier to stomach?
For me any updates are welcome but the Foundry is the key to this game. Currently it feels quite limited and I'd like to see a lot added to it. Certainly ability to make boss fights, create less 'linear' feeling quests, adding items etc... and vendors. The last one there, adding items, I just feel a unique blue/purple item…
Not sure what I'm doing different but when I'm in groups I'm comfortably doing enough damage to rank 1 or 2. I think it's still an underpowered class though too but have a tinker with feats etc... and see what you come out with. Don't give up on it just yet. :)
http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?172331-I-m-about-to-hide-in-my-bunker-for-suggesting-this-but OP - exactly my suggestion... I agree with you 100%. To those that suggest it would take months to get anything decent, I understand what you're saying but when I play sub-based games I expect it to take a few…
In a word... No. I would say that for the first few of hours of OB stay well clear for sure. It'll settle soon after though and we can return to normal. My guess, one crash. Can you hear that clicking? That's everyone spamming the client 'just in case' they can get in.
Great response and for me you nailed it bang on with that. Or at least I hope you have. I hope everyone has a blast with the game, including those who rip through it, but I'm looking forward to creating and playing content that people who want to spend time exploring etc... enjoy. Nothing against power gaming but the thing…