No point making a poll, they have never concidered them and consolation "rewards" from this company are always worthless, typically an rng box or something negligible. It's amusing how cheap loyalty can be. You might get that title,
1. I was very hesitant to even try the game because it's PWE. 2. Yes I probably would have quit, because I know PWE handles these situations poorly. And if I hadn't had that knowledge from 3 years experience prior, I probably would have quit anyway because it says little for their competence. 3. Needless to say, I won't be…
If they offered cash rewards for finding exploits and fixing the issue before it's gamebreaking as this was, well, they could have gone without losing thousands of customers and getting hit by chargebacks! But hey, PWE has always been pretty clueless. Banning exploiters doesn't help anyone, especially if they have cash…
I guarantee if the OP were the one cleaning this mess up, he'd want to wipe it too. You can't put a bandaid over a gunshot wound, especially while the bullet is still inside. That's basically what they did. Selfish, lazy people. Well, enjoy your broken economy!
Only 7 hour rollback? Should have been a wipe. But it's nothing new: PWE has never removed ill-gotten gains from numerous exploits in any of their games, nor banned people except once during the halloween javascript exploit on FW. Stop brown nosing and white knighting, it's pretty obvious they screwed up the economy by not…
Don't see why. PWE has only banned exploiters once (from what I saw anyway), and NEVER removed unfair, ill-gotten advantages in any of their games and I could give many examples.. They like to sweep things under the rug; they still never admitted how easily you could exploit the FW halloween page by merely typing a short…