All these changes to make even etos a 20min dungeon to get the same <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ring at the end. Or now msps that are gonna take twice as long or even unbeatable for lower end groups for a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> rank 5 and a flawless sapphire, and if u even remotely think about pulling something cool its account bound, lmao. All these…
RIP neverwinter, RIP the dream. Augments BiS, lets go back to mod 5, oh wait we still won't have the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ton of dungeons u took away from us. Quick everyone buy up all the cats on the AH cause it's the new meta. Kappa
You on Xbox right miss?? Idk like all of the dungeons we tested weren't showing. About to run msva so we will see. Maybe just that works? Cause we tested shores valindras lostmauth etc and nothing that normally showed up on notify was showing up anymore, and I liked that feature
Feedback I love the idea of not having to do a boring <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> rotation of dailies. Wish all zones were like this. Like the new ideas you guys are bringing to the table. Please not make this campaign and weapons to grindy this time tho....
Wow I am shocked, actual compensation for those affected. Good job you guys actually came through for once. Anticipating all my parcels I used to be in my inventory tomorrow tho..
Wow after 3 years you guys finally listen to us lol. First up the drop rate on +5 rings across the board! It is absurd the drop rate on these things. People in my guild have ran hundreds if not thousands of demos to get one and simply cannot..! Also make the +5 a choice pack. All of them are account bound so why not??? You…
This has got to be the worst idea ever. How are you developers gonna blatantly lie about this being a bug when it's been a thing for 3 years lol. Who has the gold and the time to support making all these keys all the time anyways. This game will need to be called keys and dragons cause no ones gonna be running dungeons…
Agree dude I've missed out on so many since update cause I'm a "dps" tbh you don't need ANY tanks in demo. It's a straight single target dps race if scrubs don't open up the wrong portals. Now I can't even play that content, what a joke. They don't even know what comps should be in their own game. If I had it my way it…
Thanks for info, you talking about the 8% standard ones from the shop I assume? That won't yield a tier 3 tho with those ratings that's why I wanted to get the epic quality ones
I like the looks of the update, and the fact that we won't leave the lobby anymore when greeding on an item... Just getting impatient I guess. Frame rate and disconnect has to be my biggest issue I would want solved first imo, I would enjoy the game much more than I already do.
Couldn't agree more with this post, tired of feeling ignored on the progress and being neglected on patch information and fixes in general. Why release the Xbox version at the same time of EE if u can't handle catering to both versions simultaneously! Serious frame rate patches need to be incoming or I don't see myself…
You have game breaking frame rates that hinders players performance on dread vault and just all around disappointment and you spent a week doing basically nothing for these 3 little dumb things that have never happened to me or prob plenty others, terrible Devs why wouldn't framerates be first?!?! Give us the option to…