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  • I saw a GF with 17k GS in pvp the other day. Wish this game wasn't pay to win...
  • How is this still a problem... one of the two end game dungeons cannot be Queued for.... this should be fixed ASAP
  • Just logged in and the problem seem to have finally fixed itself. Thanks for the help. Warning to all do not go afk whil in an instance. you you log back into an instance and your party has already left you may be waiting there for a while. Wonder if /safeLogin 1 would have worked...
  • Did you read my post? I mentioned it was after the end of match. screen was on scoreboard when i went afk. the stuck command dosent work and /killme wont work because i respawn in instance...
  • Dont know how much longer i can wait. if a GM see this please know i happily give you full permission to move my character if im not online... I will be very sad if my character is sstuck for days.
  • I had this Issue in the dungeon, I think it was call dragon lair... cant remeber exact name it is lvl 34 dungeon i Queued for it probably 10 times and it was always empty. i always made sure to leave party after. Sometimes i waited after leaving for 10-15 min befor I queued again thinking i might be having an issue were i…