Long story short: if you have a specific goal in mind don't go PUG. If you PUG expect the unexpected. The probability of encountering the unexpected in a PUG increases proportional with the time required to reach your specific goal. All players have the possibility to create groups. If someone doesn't like the playstyle of…
I did feed my GWFs legendary twisted sword knot into the restored abolethic sword knot for full 3.6kk RP recently. So it's not intentional that don't get a bonus for feeding "regular" OH into "runic" OHs.
I would not be surprised at all if the number is reduced to one. Remember, the whole idea was to force entice convince us to buy legendary keys for ZEN.
I just bought the third piece for my HV set. Just to be told afterwards that a high-up in Cryptic said in a thread somewhere that all the sets are going to be made into useless items (set bonus removed). If this is true? Who was that? Why do so game-changing (maybe also game healing) things are said in a side thread of a…
I don't read the forums on a daily basis. I expect change every day. I think can live with the destruction of the HV set, like with the Stalwart Bulwark destruction back then. BUT I don't expect Cryptic to give the participants of the preview forum a head start to GERBIL other players over. (and then gloat in NW_Legit how…
Dear @asterdahl I finally found the thread where you explain that the pre-mod 5 sets will be "changed". Thank you very much for giving the players from the preview shard a head start. I am sure I am not the only one totally angry at this moment. For those who don't know please read…
No. Only 1 companion of any kind can be summoned or active at a time, and companions are "unique" on you. Active: a companion in the active slot, granting you his companion bonus. Summoned: an companion actively participating in battle. Only 1 companion can be summoned at a time.
Lovely word! Who is it unfair towards? Who is at a disadvantage? Or are you speaking on behalf of all the belts out there that cannot speak for themselves?
As long as there are more other classes than DC on the front pages nothing needs to be changed. If one day the MAJORITY is DC I think it might be worth considering a change, until then LEAVE IT AND STOP CRYING.
Because PvP. And because no one is interested in balacing out PvE vs. PvP. Tenacity, which should have been used to better balance PvE vs. PvP is a failure or too complicated for the new developers. This leads to TR being crippled because of PvP, where their opponent has only 30k-50k HP, but it leads to boring TR game play…
you can not farm all dragons, but if you are there when the dragons spawn it is your own inability to get at least on one dragon great success. If you can not even get yourself organized so far then I doubt a T3 mount will change that. I could understand if you complained about "cannot farm all dragons at the same time but…
better SCA better stats (HP, power etc) and it's purple! (=new skin) But there are many things you can do to improve your GS before investing the 750k AD to upgrade to purple.
If I understand this correctly - if you accidentally use 1 (one) bound R4 on your Radiant enchantment Rank 9 you immediately transform it into a bound item. You are aware of this mechanic? No more passing enchantments around just because you accidentally added one bound R4 ... I don't know, sounds very bat to me.
Concerning the shards, I think it used to work like this: if you dropped one or more bound barkshield shards on to an unbound one, the status of the unbound one would stay but the number was increased. E.g. 1 unbound bark + 1 bound bark -> 2 unbound bark (would also work the reverse, 1 bound bark + 1 unbound one dropped…
Well, it's like planned obsolescence, just the other way around. once you hit level 60 and have a few boons you have outlived your usefulness. You either have already invested money in the game for some items, making it unlikely you spend more, or you are an AD grinder that will never invest. You are no longer the primary…
So we had a countdown for 15 days counting down every second, but no one knows how Gateway/Client: 7-9 AM Pacific (15:00-17:00 UTC) computes with dwightmc's Estimated downtime is 3 hours For the enemies of mathematics amongst you: you'd need The Doctor to fit 3 hours into the time frame 7-9 AM So my question is: is the…
If you want players that only have time for a maximum of 2 hours per day to be at an economic disadvantage just say so. I really did miss the word "unfair" in your post.
You have a point! You are not complaining about the exploit (which would be a nono by rule 2345.43 of the ToS) but about the bug after someone used an exploit, which should be technically fine.
Who is right? This would be interesting as I would hate to hurry home to catch the start just to have to wait for an hour until I can log in. I don't know if someone told you already, but you guys have obviously internal or external communication issues. Or both.
Oh, and just to mention it: there is always the possibility to sell ZEN for AD at the ZAX. But I guess for those with leadership armies the thought of actually buying ZEN for real money is merely a possibility.
I guess you want more AD, and you want that fast. Tipps: sell your heroes/adventurers for real AD, replace them with self created footmen. sell your T2 neclaces/rungs from DD runs for 6k AD, better than increasing your rAD by 8k while you have excess rAD hold on the rAD creating jobs, make merc's, footman to sell them for…
Iam using Sunburst to gain some divinity instead of your PoD. And a Perferct Terror instead of a GPF, as lots of people seem to have GPF enchantment these days.
Communication via forum works, so they extend their range by using other means. You can expect Facebook stuff as well, same as Instagram and stuff. Web 2.0 If Twitter becomes unpopular they will without remorse jump on the next popular thing that has a chance to spread their word. This practice might be, in your opinion,…