This is exactly the entitled attitude. You are not entitled to every game or product out there. Not everything is made for you. If you rather buy 2 to 3 games in steam for 40 bucks, then guess what, you can. Imagine that. And do you really think all of PWE games are dead? They have analyst looking at the data. If in a few…
Can you base this on something or just other people saying this? PWE is not a non-profit company. Their business is to make money, so if a company wanting to make money is greedy, well then every for profit company is greedy. Do you think the Valve's of this world are not always looking to maximize revenue. Do you think…
I don't know what you mean by "original f2p" but f2p originated in the Asian market and you should have a look over there to see where f2p is potentially going.
I see your point, but I always wonder when people complain and complain about this kind of games. It's easy, don't like it. Don't play. Thanks to the free market economy these things will sort them selves out. If the product is not profitable because too many people don't like it, they will adjust or die. As long as people…
Thanks so far for the replies. I'm a MAC newbie so would a Macbook pro with a 2.3 GHz i7, 8 GB RAM and an GeForce GT 650M 512 MB be able to run this game (even if its on low settings)? Cheers!