Yes, heal aggro is a problem. It is seriously not in line with other classes dps aggro (as I can hold aggro against DPS just fine). It definitely needs some tweaks, but more or less I think clerics were meant to kite some of the adds around. This is supposed to be an action oriented RPG, and somehow standing around healing…
The last boss in Lair of the Mad Dragon is nowhere nearly as bad as you claim. It only requires a little coordination with your group. You just need to kill adds while the cleric kites. The tank (me in my case) needs little to no healing at all unless he messes up. Also the previous dungeons are hardly challenging. I admit…
I can safely say they can't. GF are either not designed to hold all the mobs and/or Clerics generate an extreme amount of aggro. For this particular fight, if I even tried to pull all the adds' aggro, I would die nearly as fast as the cleric. Then you gotta worry about holding the boss and getting out of his aoes. For this…
I really have a hard time holding aggro for this very reason. Even with all the threat increasing skills aggro is easily ripped off. I can only constantly taunt and time my shots with the mark. They need to re-tune aggro, especially healing aggro.
They have already stated that the Demo recording feature is already a part of the game, but for internal use only at the moment. They said it would eventually make it in and feature for the foundry, but probably later on. There is a mention of it in gillrmn's dev-reply link. Its somewhere in there.