Wow, I thought I was mad before. So instead of fixing a bot problem you punish those of us who have been here since beta and happened to have spent the effort to get alts up on leadership. I may or may not play anymore, but I can guarantee that I will never buy a blood ruby, race, class, character slot, any of those things…
Okay so I figured out what was causing my problem and fixed it. On this particular character I had the "Can't upgrade powers, boons or anything" bug that can be fixed by a respec. I did the respec and can now claim the daily VIP.
I have this problem on one character. I cant claim the Character reward but can claim the Account reward. I have free slots. Other characters (10ish) can all claim. This has been going on all week. Hopefully the downtime tomorrow will reset whatever the problem is.
Yeah I do the campain treasures too, but I only focus on the Sharandar ones. I've leveled 5 guys through the campains and it always seems that I am done with DR and IWD way before Sharandar just because of those blue spark things.
My X51 is having the same problems. Been having them for a long time now. It's gotten worse recently. Now the game hangs up with that red message at the top middle of the screen unable to talk to server (my intenet is fine, I tab out and surfing and other downloads work fine) even though all the chat channels work. This is…
I didn't see any such fine print on this particular offer. The ones for things like credit cards have that fine print that says it may take 30 days for your account to be credited.