I have found that if you have out-levelled the quests in a zone you, quite often, do not see the exclamation mark over the quest giver's head and you have to talk to all the NPCs to find out what quests they have.
Same problem on Dragon, except that it is any NPC dialog, it is blank and unable to answer, so have to hit random keys and hope, or restart the game client. I have done a force verify, but no change.
Because you do NOT need the green/blue/purple resources to go to level 20. I am currently level 15 Leadership and am doing all the missions with out any problems. Once I get to level 20, then I might look into getting the non-common resources if I need them. The non-common resources just do the basic missions faster. Swiss
The Luggage had spent many years trailing through strange lands, meeting exotic creatures, and jumping up and down on them. Rincewind: "It likes potato chips. Well, that's a bit strong. It eats potato chips." Lonina: "What about people?" Rincewind: "Oh, and people. About fifteen so far." (Sourcery)
The first question you have to ask as a CW is: "What am I doing in CC in the first place?" You are a wizard, in ALL MMOs and paper and pencil games I know wizards are squishy and easy to kill. As a CW your main tactic is to stay OUT of CC and fight from range, then you become very nasty and hard to take out. As a TR I have…