$200 price point is greedy as hell. They should have included a $100 option to make $200 seem less greedy. By doing so, they would make $200 look like the package intended for the absolute elite. The pricing as it is now makes the $60 look like a waste of time and money, and $200 to be a metric ****ton.
As a sidenote - how come there aren't forums for each server, considering there are only 3? I don't mind having only 3. Huge queue time is to be expected for a brand new game/launch. Then again, I also played Tera, so I know the dangers of being spread too thin.
Wish I could start a new thread but I just wanted to say something. Might as well post it here until I can make a thread. Hello! I just stumbled across this open beta or launch or whatever you want to call it and I'm quite excited! I noticed the long queue time and thought about what my server is up to. I also noticed…