I think Survior Wraps are fine as they stand - generally their are better pieces available now. I say this as their are other classes that can make very good use of Survior Wraps such as DO DC, TAC GF and OP.
I run MSP with my 17K GF all the time in RQ. Generally use KV because the group is squishy. I use a broken set, have a hybrid build and normally do 100-300 mil damage. Run T9 the same way except I'll change out my sellsword companion for dancing shield. End game GF Tanks are very capable.
They do - it's called the Dread Lairs! For real, you can pull SMOPs and GMOPs from them. Drop rate is low, but I pulled several SMOPs when I first started playing and farmed them daily.
Just no. My alt's are all over 10k with no boons, and I don't make my AD by running RQ. Nor, is this specifically about me. I just pointed out that I can't see how it's beneficial, from a business perspective, to streamline\minimize a players time in game. The entire player base is not going to being able to find "other"…
I've been saying the same for awhile - lot of people "cashing" out on trade chat. Edited to add. I don't see how it's beneficial to create an environment in which players are essentially limited to an overall daily grind/task/objective (Astral Diamonds). All this does is push them to other sources of entertainment; and…
"Hope" being the key word - for multiple accounts. Regardless, people that are dead set on bending/breaking/taking advantage will do regardless of the control measures.
I AFK in IG all the time. Most of my main-ish toons are upper 17k. I heavily farmed IG when it first came out to get my companion gear. I've ran it it thousands of time.. sickening I know When I end up in RQ IG on my OP or D.C. everyone wants to go for gold. I'm not having any part of it, the gear is outdated and most of…
@time, I know I've never seem your build. My HR is 17.8. If you reference above you'll note that I also use a build very much like this. It dosen't take a rocket surgeon to figure out what works from the paragon paths. After all, there are so few viable options. What is nice to see is the little things people add/tweak…
I don't know anything about Trapper. I play, Combat. But the hybrid Archry build does seem to fill a specific niche by combing the Archery capstone, Skirmishers Gambit and somewhat reducing the need for standoff. Is it perfect, no.
I use a build very much like this. HR Combat is the main load out, but this Hybrid build works very well. I use it in a buff type capacity. Everyone will nay say it - but I've pulled a lot of weak groups past the turtle boss using this build.
That is very good to know. Thank you! For us on console, that don't have a real defenitive way to test, what is the best set to use? I ask this in two parts? 1. For a traditional DPS. Looking over the feats and powers above I assume Orcus set remains BIS. 2. For Templock, errr, maybe not. Is a broken set driving Con the…
That's not entirely true on either build, SW or GF. SW was over nerfed. GF Conquer (much like GWF) needs to be tonned down. Yada, yada, yada, I've heard all the counter arguments. I have counter points as well. Simple fact, when you're driving away player base - there's a problem.
I have a brilliant idea. Remove all the silly control measures, none of them work. Across the board all they do is make The game more complicated and frustrating.