I don't believe you actually receive an entry. (I.E. pm, email, etc...) I assume once you have purchased your four items (one item from each tier) you're automatically entered much like the last mystic nightmare and phoera promo. (I could be wrong.)
[Click the picture to view larger.] Great Woman Fighter Corrupted Helm & Boots. I have yet to get my arms, and will probably disable the visuals on helm unless the armor is big enough to make her head look smaller. XD
I believe they are doubling up the rewards the last week of this event as well. At least that's what I remember seeing the last time I checked the calendar in game . :)
They are currently performing maintenance. I believe they said the down time is about 2 hours (someone correct me if I'm wrong.) - Everything should be back up in about an hour and a half.
[Click the images to view full scale!] I recently went through and transmuted everything again. So I figured I'd share the final result. Dye on her armor, helm, arms, and feet is the Moon Shadow Dye Pack from the zen shop. Shirt and pants have been dyed using Black Dye Bottles from the zen shop. Now onto the Transmutation…
Mounts Dusk Unicorn: I was feeding into the little girl side of me when I purchased this one, but I'm glad I did. It has a custom mounting animation (Though I'm pretty sure only I can see it, which doesn't matter since I'm the only one that cares to see it.), it's the fastest in speed, and it's armored so it doesn't look…
I too am stuck with a stack of coin's that serve no purpose other than to collect dust in my currency tab. It's too bad they don't just do away with the idea of ''new currency'' when they hold events like this. I'd much rather each event just drop an official ''event currency'' that can be used to purchase items at an…
Oh wow, thanks for the images. Both of those look very nice, and actually make the pants somewhat desirable. It's nice to see they can be paired with more than just the jesters tunic and still look decent. :D
I would definitely like to see them with the courtesan top, since it does have that shiny metallic detail. It might be a good match. I did some playing around after posting my first image and discovered they also work well with the Lion Mask. (Which is something I've had in my bank for ages but I've never found an…
Thanks. :) enidv: I think I like yours more than mine, the dark hues compliment the style better. If you're looking for arms I just transmuted mine to the bracers of scouting. It fits the style perfectly. :)
Here's my level 60. :) (Click the image to view full scale.) Gear has been transmuted as follows: HEAD: Redcap Blood Helm ARMOR: Stormcaller Tunic FEET: Bone-Shard Bindings NECK: Frostwolf Pelt Everything has been dyed using Winterwolf Dye Packs