Agreed. mass public areas (like the AH, the market) would certainly benefit from this. on the other hand, i suspect the problem will drop off once the 'new spider smell' wears off...
Ok, so recently I have found myself rather disappointing with the traditional MMO boss model of high hp, trigger health, environmental hazard etc. I mean - I agree these things are needed, but I was trying to think of new (to me) mechanisms that might add some fun to an encounter. This is probably brought about by the fact…
Thanks everyone, I appreciate the time you spent writing your replies! All good advice. I spent some time watching streams of other control wizards playing through instances, and outside the frenzy of grouped combat, I can absolutely see how and where i was going wrong. Now I'm all hyped to try out what I learned!
I really hope that english isn't your first language. I'm hearing a lot of varying opinions about this. Players who I know and respect so far claim that block was working as expected, but that the damage shown didn't match the damage taken. I've seen this for myself in YouTube videos like the ones linked above. On the…
Ah, forget my very first characters, they were generic and boring. It was a bunch of 10 year old ignoring the rules to zerg super powered redbox characters. I got back into D&D 30 years later, with 4e, and I made myself a half-giant named Oreo. He was a barbarian by class, but he didn't know that. Oreo thought he was a…
Exceptionally useful thread, thanks for posting your builds and logic! I haven't tried the cleric yet, and I plan on putting some time into one on the next beta weekend.
Only played an hour so far, and I can't tell if I need to adjust my tactics - but right now ray of frost seems worthless for keeping the mobs off. I keep trying to use it and wondering if I am missing some fundamental thing about how to use it effectively. :-(
Yes, the presence of 'gods' is undeniable within the lore. As a result, neither Atheist (there are no deities) or Agnostic (the existence or non-existence of any deity is unknown and possibly unknowable) are tenable positions unless that character is truly incapable of perceiving reality. However, I suspect that most…
Thanks! I thought that might be the case - the whole of DDO plays a lot more like I would expect an RPG in a persistent world to play, so it seems reasonable that the deeper customization would be designed in from scratch. Knowing that NWO was more action oriented made me expect much less in that regard. I think if I feel…
Wow. I think you need to sit back from the keyboard and have a nice relaxing glass of wine. The TLDR is a (slightly modified) quote from Casablanca, spoken by Humphrey Bogart. Taken in context, he is saying that stuff happens, we don`t have a lot of control over it, and the best one can do is live life and enjoy what you…
Honestly curious, since I don't actually know... And what did DDO look like during beta? Or when it was first released? Did it have this enormous range of options? Or did that develop over time, until it reached the enormous depth it has now. I really don't get all the whole conversation. They are making a game, the game…
Yes, there were several times where I flat out lost my companion as a result of this. Now that I think of it, I really nnoticed it during foundry content. My companion also sucks at entering rooms. Many times I would finish a combat only to discover my companion standing outside in the hallway, waiting for me to finish up.…