I am more stoked that the event starts on a Wednesday. I work 4 12-hr shifts on Thur-Sun not including travel time, so an extra day to participate is a welcome bonus for me.
To add to this, the 400 cap for influence daily needs to go. Perhaps make it 400 for SH HEs, 400 for WoD HEs, 400 for IWD HEs, and 400 for SKT HEs? Conqueror's Shards = Needs to be boosted, lower requirements, or more ways to earn them. Plain and simple. Strongholds like Housing in other games has SO much potential, yet it…
Looks like Random Que is here to stay. If that is so, then the rewards need to be changed, perhaps adding more shards of power/influence to the random que daily quest?
This is the heart of the problem for this "Fix". This isn't just for new 70s, a brand new 70 can be ilvl 10k easy with league gear off AH. The drive to work your way up through the epic tier dungeons helped you learn your character and role. IF (THAT IS A BIG IF) the Devs for this game want to keep this in I suggest this…
Really wish they would post here for updates. I don't use twitter, many people don't. Why not use the official forums to talk to your player base rather than social media outlets?
As long as they fix the bug that allows other ranks to accept alliance invites then fine. Currently you have to demote ALL rank 7s except yourself, leave alliance, accept new alliance. For alliances that move guilds around to maximize stronghold bonuses this becomes a pain since you can't allow officers the ability to…
This happens for the Elemental Evil Campaign as well, if you've purchased the lvl 70 character you can't do the daily tasks for the final campaign task.
The Rings cost 300 Seals and salvage for 4400 AD. What sucks more in my limited opinion is that I used seal rings as easy gear for new alts and their companions. There are no belts or necks to buy with the seals that you can transfer either. Now that all shards cost 300 seals too makes you really think about what you will…
Is this related to the same issue where if you purchase Knox's Recruitment to make a new level 70 then you can't complete the daily HE quest to do the final campaign task? Even with the campaign complete you still have to do all the quests to unlock the daily quest.
Can we get a confirmation pop-up for this? I'm sure I'm not the only person who custom places items in my bags/bank so I can better find them, the sort function doesn't follow this. Accidently clicking on the sort button can be a pain. While not game breaking a simple pop-up asking if we are sure we wish to continue would…
Ah, the blog changed from the first time I read it. Thank you! others said it was posted on FB, but since I don't use FB I couldn't go there to find the answer.
With the amount of gold spammers in PE/Trade/LFG and the mail system, the current block is not working to stop them. We need something else instead of punishing new players.
I have a level 70 in my guild that missed one or two quests, can not trade or use AH. It took us forever to find out why. How is he supposed to find these couple of missing quests?
Include your player-base! You have millions of people who have been playing games longer than most of you have been out of school, please listen to us! Don't balance the pve portion of the game around pvp changes, balance the que (either by ilvl or other methods), don't allow changing of gear once in the battle (to prevent…
The reasons bots are still around include the very fact that the RNG is as terrible as it is. As long as people get frustrated and are willing to pay some 3rd party group for the items they are sick of fighting a poor RNG for, there will always be a business for bots. Solutions have been put forth that would make bots…
I would love to see the return of the Cult of Elements. A multi-zone mod would be amazing. Maybe something that starts in Mt. Hotenow, a quest line much like Shroud where the end result is you gain a key item (Ring of Elemental Fire Protection), which sends you to the Elemental Plane of Fire for a campaign line. Once done…
Consider yourself lucky then. I don't have BiS but with what I do have (Still using Augment) I reach 100% crit chance during combat, I don't notice any yellow damage markers from myself and am constantly the top in most Pugs. I got my first +4 since I started (deflection so it doesn't help my main at all), but am lucky to…