Three of them weren't 60 yet. None of us rushed to 60. In this game you level so easy. I have an alt that I left at the shrine at level 10, He is now level 23 just by doing a few prayers and crafting leadership... Seriously, what is the longest you could play XP giving content and not make 60?
As much as I like the game overall, the boss fights in epic seem unimaginative and its the same thing over and over. I haven't played all the T2s yet so maybe it gets better. So far it is just some variation of - manage the ad-ons...
Nope, not it. We are a long time group that plays games together. When I ask them they seem apathetic toward the game. But I like it and was curious if this is indicitive of the overall player base...
A party of half-orcs competed with a party of drow to see who could catch the most fish icefishing near Icespire Peak. Once the contest started, it was clear that the drow were going to win -- they kept pulling out fish after fish. Soon, the half-orcs got worried and sent over one of their team to see what the drow were…
The price of Zen in Ad should fall as the large pool of initial AD is spent at a faster rate than new Ad is being farmed. For example buying mounts, guild banks etc... As we headed into the double AP weekend the price of zen had fallen from around 380 to 360. Even with double AD over that weekend the price fell to about…
But wait, a lot of ill gotten merchandise and zen was used in transactions with HONEST players who were not in on the scam, so are you banning EVERY person who transacted with one fo the thousands of exploiters?
Well, we had "stability" in that a smaller number of exploiters were using the exploit from launch, but the "stability" was lost whe the number of exploiters hit critical mass today.
You are correct with the initial two weeks, but.... The price of Zen in Ad should fall as the large pool of initial AD is spent at a faster rate than new Ad is being farmed. For example buying mounts, guild banks etc... As we headed into the double AP weekend the price of zen had fallen from around 380 to 360. Even with…
The raids and quests in DDO involved lots of tough puzzles to figure out on the way tot he boss fight. Why doesn't this game have tought party challenges that require thinking and tinkering to figure it out?
Beta is for testing and bug finding. this is not beta. Largest glaring hole in any argument of anyone trying to argue that this is a beta is in respecing. Beta is for testing and I can't even respec my toon to try different builds? If I could respec for free to test builds, looks for bugs, offer feedback, etc... then I…
Please stop buying into their propaganda that this is a "beta". They released the game and they are taking money and their is no wipe. This game has launched and they are trying to make you feel better about the bugs.
Thanks, that was my feeling. The early access is past, the cosmetics are meh... the title are...for what exactly? So the founders pack is a BAD deal in my opinion, just buy 6000 Zen and thats like over 2,000,000 AD.....
CW are very vulnerable during the long cool downs. Its 12 secs+ cool down on the 3 sec choke hold you are describing. A smart CW rotating casts and teleporting smartly can do very well one v one. However, it is a fair fight 1v1 and if the CW gets attacked by 2v1 its over VERY quickly. CW is extremely squishy. Id say LTP…