For my paladin, pre mod 16, I used a method that gave me tons of temporal hit points, like how radiant weapons in STO does...and allowed me to just rush into the monsters and WAIL on them with my weapons, while using the temporary hit points to tank it all. I mean it felt REALLY good to be able to withstand all that and…
I might have to simply DELETE my paladin and guardian, then. Since having their powers that made 'em what they were, it's like NEW COKE. Pity, my paladin is the one I started with in 2015. Gonna sell all the gear i cant transfer and put the gold in the bank. Sad, sad.
do LoMM a few times (at least to get the seals to buy the Protegé head gear) and then just do your 3 MEs per day. Mod 17 (which is coming soon) will bring some improvements and a few more things to do. Been awhile forgot what LoMM, and ME are. ^_^;; When 16 started, I was even considering deleting my Paladin and Guardian,…
Same, STO, Runescape and Minecraft for me, now. I'll only drop by in NW when......IF....the devs actually manage to undo this, as the Angry Video Game Nerd would say, 'Hamster Pickle'. Folks....who thinks Angry Video Game Nerd would have a blast with NW post mod 16?
Yep. I made mine, before all this silliness, to use those abilities that gives temporary HP and so on, and was a GOOD tanker. Now.....I fall victim to CRABS.
Well, my Fighter now feels more like those training dummies. Example, the AA quest where you go to rescue Neverember's son....I can't even get past the first monsters, those crabs. I got my face murdered three times before I rage quit. :s And I am not one known to ever rage quit. :/ I shudder what to think of how wounded…
Happened to me with the AA quest where you save NEverember's son. Those crabs at the know in classic Doom where you die, your fave looks like raw hamburger? That's me with the crabs.
i'm the one who made that suggestion in fireside. :) I'm a sucky typer, MORE SO with this *holds up hands, to indicate her long, red nails* My chica asked me to grow 'em out for her. Anyhow, that drunk beholder is a lovable, drunken sod, and he'd make a great companion.... ...and having a BEHOLDER as a companion itself…