There is a suggestion here: it involves more time but may not risk the banning of an account. And it may end up being more satisfying.
does it really matter? so your IL goes down a little. In the end it might be better. keep some of the lowbies out of Tiamat. it only really mattered to the people that were trying to 1-up each other
so make a tab thats guild/party only, no chat, no pm. nothing but guild and party. then let them talk trash all day. i don't have to ignore them. heck i don't even know they are talking. i let their dead bodies and my win be the closing statement.
and the CC nerf, if you remember, was caused by 5 man CW parties running the dungeons. or in come cases 1 man CW parties running dungeons. the CC was identified as being too powerful in conjunction with the damage output of the CW. so they removed the Control from the Control Wizard. and now they have removed some of the…
definitely true. even as in IV/Sent my guy did very well against the cloud giants. but i went back as SM/Dest and it was even easier. GWFs are awesome in PvE. edit..... its in the dungeons that GWFs are lacking though. in my opinion.
so instead you have your toon run out of the starting area, run out into the fray, die, start over. you might be thinking, no... that would never happen. but i've seen it. i saw a toon the other day, run out run over the cliff, respawn and repeat. every once in awhile it died on the say out. but when i looked at ACT that…
each class has different paths they can take. The IV sentinel path is supposed to be an off tank. the OP wasn't talking about just DPS, he was talking about playing the role for which you are building as an Off Tank it would be nice to be able to actually tank. IV sentinel, as a build, is broken with all the damage given…
i was in sharandar the other day and i had a dude on a new mount run by me and say "kinda slow aren't you" all i could think about was. "i'm glad you think you spent your money wisely".
this reminds me so much of what people argued about for OPs. just because ONE build of OPs was doing damage, in one arena, lets nerf the whole class so they can't do any damage. and now that they are rebuilt as uber-tanks lets nerf DR. same arguments, different class. i know there are different builds. i know not every TR…
i agree, but i think the "new" dungeons will only be new to the very new people. i bet the "new" dungeons will be rehashed OLD dungeons brought back with a little luster added. Based on the amount of recycling Cryptic does with content it would lead one to think there is some type of Edison award for it. I can see it on…
level 70 MI-Sabo. BiS geared. PvP'd since beta with him. gone through about 100 respecs to get him just the way i like. and yes, he has the wheel and about every other artifact that FoTM. so i know when i play him i can melt through a paladin. i've done it. so if you are having problems with your TR i suggest you read the…
not that bizarre. just remember. Rule #1: they are right Rule #2: we are not right Rule #3: when in doubt refer to rule 1 so based on that premise its for our own good and we should accept that we aren't smart enough to know all the changes that are coming that this is preparing us for. I for one am very happy that i'm…
pretty much everyone got a nerf with the DR change. but CWs got the double nerf. damage and defense. just goes to show, on the ladder of love it goes TRs CWs .. .. ... .. .. ..(dirt) SWs
OPs and DCs may have problems with this. depending on the build they don't do a lot of damage. Wasn't this forum the one that said OPs weren't supposed to DPS.
thats like saying i'm poor when i go from a billionaire to a 900 Millionaire. See I'm not a billionaire anymore. i went from 3 commas to two. (reference anyone)
just because you play a gimped style doesn't make the argument any less true. i once ran the boston marathon in combat boots and a rucksack. my time sucked. It doesn't mean my entire class was underperformers.
thats probably my biggest complaint. instead of fixing all the HAMSTER thats broken with TRs they take away the tankiness of the rest of the builds. i swear somewhere on the main wall is a poster that says "TR MUST WIN"
no, it got a big NOT buff. DR will go down. which means everything gets easier to kill, especially for those characters that have piercing. who is that again? ohhh yeah. those guys.