Agrees with you. Beyond that, they ought to have introduce simple things like Captcha authentification to reduce the impact of such brute force attempts. On a side note, if it ease your pain, I think i have spent about 9times more than that - with the 2 founder packs and a bunch of zen topups.
Nope, didn't receive that email. All i got was the notification that my email was changed. So I went to NWN website using my own usual favourited links. Yup, that's how i ended up getting the customer service website. But the problem is the tardiness of response and the lack of any feedback.
I highly doubt so. I would be more inclined to believe that someone took a pair of binoculars and attempted to spy on me while i am keying in my pw 2 week ago, and decided to use that same information to login to my account 1 week after that.
Seeing ur case here makes me think that not only am I unlikely to get my account back in pristine condition, i might probably not get it back at all.... Or perhaps if i am optimistic... maybe i get back an empty account in say... 1 yr? [/sarcasm]
Yup, I concurred. Given the fact that I personally ensured my computer was clean and my email was not compromised. Just a note of caution, ensure that your typical online paying medium is of a different password as your hacked account (pretty common sense actually). It seem whoever this dude is, he/she is trying his/her…
It's probably like buying a TV without guarantee and without having the ability to test it out. IF the TV blows up, you basically just dump your money into the drain. And in my case, it seems that there is a good chance my money are all swimming in some unknown drain somewhere....
Currently, I am not complaining about how much I have spent. My issue is how easy it was for the email system to be bypassed and how slow and ineffective customer service is. I was hacked previously on another game with my account wiped. It was restored back to me, with everything intact within 3 to 4 days. Furthermore,…
same case here.. pretty obvious my account was brute forced in. To make things worst, they actually allow the original registered email to be change without any form of confirmation needed from that email. Hence right now, i am screwed, my account was brute forced and my email changed. So I cant even login to my account to…
I am in a worst state.. i tried the customer service, all i got is an automated message up till now. I tried pm-ing Dez and CMPinpointerror and did not get any response. And this has been close to a week. To make things worst? I have spent close to $900 (yeah, both the 200bucks and the 60bucks founders, along with a bunch…