Logging in once a day, plus doing Professions from my cell phone twice a day while at work, allowed us to maximize our enjoyment of Professions ranking and tasks legitimately. If you are going to remove the site, then add a checkbox to tasks indicating "repeat automatically", such as "deep" gathering or "intensive" scrap…
gateway.playneverwinter.com forwards you to gatewaysitedown.playneverwinter.com which says: "Neverwinter Gateway is currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later."
Neverwinter is a real place. The interface to this universe is to present it as a game to avoid suspicion. Apparently some clever powries locked themselves inside the server grid and are beginning to chant. We need some players to form a party to address them, while the rest of us need to head over to the protector's…
After a domination win, your only choice is to "leave" the event. Then I'm still attached to the party, but you can't join another PvP! I'm in an odd mode until I right click on myself in the upper left and leave party. Only then can I join another PvP. What's up, why is my party not able to play another round together?…