Blah blah blah's ability is too OP. Nerf Blah Blah. I'm a Blah Blah and you are stupid. Learn to play blah blah blah. 11 pages later blah blah blah. The issue isn't whether X is OP or not. The issue is that PvE style CC is just terrible, terrible design for PvP, and yet games continue to do it. Over and over. It happens…
I've been healing in MMOs for 10+ years. This game went from "most fun I've had healing in an MMO" to "I'm not healing anymore" in one patch. I can't blame all of this on Cryptic. It's 50% cryptic and 50% the community. The only healing class is poorly designed from the start; putting so much emphasis on one single skill…
The side effect here is that in pvp a cleric can't self heal through ... much of anything. 1v1 a healer should be able to hold a control point vs a dps for a long time, if not forever. A single dps shouldn't be able to nuke down a healer this fast in any game.
If the duration of AS as it is now is the only thing that can make a pug complete a dungeon run, it'll get reverted. There hasn't been enough testing to get crazy about it yet. It hasn't gone live. I think removing the stacking AS is a good thing, and if you read the patch notes there were a lot of ability effects that got…
I do this. I have another trick too. I drop my AS where I want DPS to be. The guys with 3 or more brain cells will move to it and hopefully see the pile of adds standing there with them. They might even attack said adds.
I had trouble on a few pulls in the 30s while soloing. Had to buy potions once on the trip to 60. I've sold a lot of potions. Yeah, it's slow damage but once you get AS you can gather 2-3 pulls and end the fight with full health.
Boss fights need to be designed differently to keep the "action MMO" flavor though the "massive add rush" gimmick is used too often in NWO fights. Toss in a bunch of unavoidable group damage and you've got WoW Sunwell on every fight.
The pricing model for NWO seems pretty obnoxious. I bought both founders packs and would probably spend money on Zen eventually, but the pricing is so out of whack from reality I don't see myself doing it any time soon. Lowering prices would probably make them more money. Valve has seen this happen with Steam sales ... the…
Rogues have insane burst and all three dps classes have enough CC with no diminishing returns that you will frequently (if not always) be focus CC'd and unable to act before you are dead. You will never last 1v1 against a rogue who has a daily off cd and can faceroll. Any rogue with skill will destroy you. You can hold…
If you drop a chains on an add pack then blast with a channeled Sunburst you are going to get aggro. Sunburst is kind of a ***** because you are generating damage AND heal threat with one ability to essentially everything. I don't do this when my health is low. Also, when you've got some annoying elite (or three) on you,…
frost168 is exactly right when he says "People have not learned how to play this game yet." They haven't. I've done dungeons where the rogue stands in the big red Dont' Stand In Me zone every time, then runs back when his health is low and stands next to me typing "heal." I've played nothing but the cleric since BW2, and a…
No, it's kind of annoying but if you are clever with your positioning it isn't too bad. I've been playing nothing but the cleric since BW2 and honestly don't have a problem with the heal targeting. I raid healed in WoW for five years and was kind of confused and frustrated with the healing at first. Once I got away from…