No, you started with your inability to understand the English language. I said the word ACCEPT had nothing to do with my ASSUMING. I never said "ACCEPT" was not in the definition of "ASSUME", HAMSTER.
Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. I already admitted that I expected people would realize that's part of the job of a beta test. However, Yes, I accept it is part of the job... but me assuming that, means that I did not need to add that to my post as I already ASSU-FRACKING-SUMED people would realize that.
My limitations? I am not sure which limitations you are speaking of. Clearly I do not have any limitations. Please elaborate. I am complaining because they are not mentioning anything in the actual game. Not because they are not saying something elsewhere. Instead of them saying "Hey, guess what guys. There is going to be…
While we're at it... I will acknowledge that I fudged up and accidentally hit a "'" because of my elite typing speed. I'll take 1 error over the duration of this thread over the 10-15 you made in your 2 posts. In your first post, you started great! You even capitalized your first word. However, there should be a subject in…
I'm aware that the translation service I used was not 100% accurate. But, I ASSUME that most people who speak those languages will understand what is being said. Also, I did not use Google translate. Just an FYI, when the word "assume" is used in a sentence, it is stating that there is an assumption being made. Therefor…
Ah, so you did not read the actual original post in this thread. It all makes sense now. To make it clear to you... I am not talking about the stupid end of beta event.
Ah, there you go with not understanding basic grammatical structure. Let me break it down for you. ""Because "report bugs" is part of the beta game. It's assumed." "Because" = For reason of "Report Bugs" = Report tool in game "Part" = A portion or division of a whole "Beta" = Pre-release version "Assumed" = Taken for…
Que? Tu no comprende Ingles? O es que no saben como comprender la estructura gramatical basica? 你能不能领悟英语吗?或者你不知道如何理解基本的语法结构? Можете ли вы не понимаете английский? Или вы не знаете, как понять основные грамматические структуры? I am not sure what your native language is, so I typed it in multiple languages. Do you not…
What's your point? Are you saying people shouldn't get frustrated? I am not mad. There is a difference between frustrated and mad. I posted the definitions in the event you have no idea what the difference is. Frustrated 1. disappointed; thwarted 2. having a feeling of or filled with frustration; dissatisfied Mad 1.…
While I think that the person above you who posted their issue is stupid for doing business the way they want to do it, and then an issue arises and blame it on Cryptic... I think your post is just as stupid and displays your lack of knowledge. "This is how the system works"... really? Did you read his issue?
I think there are better ways this could have been handled. If they are planning on fixing the economy, bringing down the servers does absolutely nothing except put a few more hours in the developers wallets.
"We'll have an update for you shortly.... " 45 minutes later, "we'll have an update for you shortly..." 1.5 hours later, "We will have the servers off line for an hour..." 1 hour later, "We will be extending downtime for an additional hour..." 3 hours later, "UPDATE: We have isolated the issue, and will have an update for…
I do not have an issue with that, except.... why do a complete wipe? You can allow everyone to keep their levels. All that would need done would be to remove everything that has an economic value. IE: companions being replaced with white ones. Gear being replaced by green gear. There is no need to completely HAMSTER people…
Well, I caved in and bought the 200 dollar pack. I had already purchased the 60 dollar pack. Someone in my guild purchased the 200 dollar pack at the same time I did, both with Paypal and his was instant... mine says "completed" but is not in my account. I can also not select the "hero..." title on the forums.…
So, I received an email that says. "our transaction (0C606629FL139341R) was approved, but you still need to go to to redeem your Founder's Pack! " However, if you go to that link... there is no information.