You definetly dont need a tank for anyhting in this game. I personally like 1tr, 1GWF, 1 cleric, 2 CWs. Thats for CN really and the gwf is interchangable with rouge. For all T2 though 1 CW is more than enough. Better off with an extra rouge or DC
Wait, you always run double CW, who doesn't (I'm refering to CN everything else really doesnt matter)? Honestly 2cws and 1dc is all you really need, the other two spots are w.e. Rouges kill the bosses faster, gwfs are great for aoe damage, and gfs...well gfs stuck in CN. Double skilled CW's mean you don't need a tank. I…
I gave up on pvp after the patch. Its just a joke for CW's. Even before the patch they weren't as strong as people thought. GWFs were just underpowered, clerics were gods at winning points, Rouges shotted everything, and GFs didn't know how to play their class. Before patch it was TR, DC, CW, GF, and then GWF power wise.…
Most of the people who like this idea are people who bought AD with zen then bought all of their gear, and are now complaining that they are bored and the game is easy. I mean...really. You create your own problem then want to screw the rest of the player base over to force Cryptic to protect you from your own stupidity.…
Who does this? I mean seriously who gets to 60 then buys the best gear with their magical AD? Oh they paid real money? Good for them, because of them this game is free. Who cares if others pay for their gear, how does it affect you? I'm guessing you're jealous every time you see someone with BiS gear and just say they P2W.…
God awful change. People this change screws: 1. Players who have terrible luck and have run the same dungeon 30 times during devels and never seen a good drop. They could go to a dungeon they enjoy more, get the best item from there, sell it, and then buy the item they need from the other dungeon. I know I hated…
Ray gets people to half? LOLWUT. double ray + conduit + iceknife might kill a rouge, dc, or cw. The ice knife has to crit. I know my gear is better than yours so I know your not shotting people with ray and ice knife.
I feel bad for people who can't handle CW's. You must be really bad, rouge who is angry that there is a class that can actually kill them (if they get caught out of position), or a gwf. The only class that really has any room to complain is GWF, but they are just straight under powered. Rouges easily 2 shot cws, as do gf,…