deeply embittered of how the cw is not understood by the developers, the problem of a thaumaturge with non-existent area damage, is not solved by transforming a power from area to single and the problem of few damage in single is not solved by reducing the recharge of aoe power. Isn't it the case to review the choice of…
ty for replay, i know that cw now is the 4th class in st for dps and the 10th ? 12th ? position in Aoe. So dear DEV which build do you think is competitive and balanced for AOE and ST?
ty for replay, but the real question is not how to build my cw, but which build do DEV think is competitive and balanced for AOE and ST, because I haven't been able to find it with 120 rerol done
surely, I was talking about an extreme case, specifying time was an act wanted to make people understand the thing. I just wanted to emphasize the fact that using Xuna is too simple a way to look like a top player.
thise was do for a private whim, I don't save it because i don't think it was a problem. Only at Lomm Xuna results to be strong, in all other dg the scaling make it to be less efficient.
in a run as Lomm, cw has great dps, but Xuna is more fast than a cw, the other dps (that before use xuna) was a sw, sw take more time to do damage compared to a cw, the difference from first and second run has been emphasized from the fact that this cw can almost kill mobs before sw can hit them. If sw was a gwf the…
When a pg with Xuna in a run of lomm do 123kk and second dps cw do 113k, same pg without Xuna but using bullette do 70kk and same cw do 143kk, i think is not the cw skills magically increased...
I know that "nerf" is always a bad word, but i think there's something wrong if i run as op with my xuna and I am first dps in paingiver at lomm in a run of 27 minuts