Do you mean the event that doubles enchanting stone drops? I came back to the game at the end of October after about a year of hiatus, and I have not seen that event so far.
You only get it with the first character you complete that milestone with. Same with all the other rewards in this campaign, but you can get the fashion and the pet from the rewards claim agent for your alts.
Same here. Got the final boon for my main from Pirate's Skyhold, but nothing on my two alts. Also, the main and the other two have different number of total boon points, even though campaign completion is basically the same on all three. The numbers are 120, 115, 113 (last one is missing two boon tasks I think, so it seems…
UPDATE: It seems it does go into Other currencies. However, I seem to have maxed it out. I had to discard something from there in order to transfer it. I was not aware Other currencies had a limit. Granted, I did have 15 stacks of 1000 Neverwinter renown for some reason. :) I discarded two of those, and now the feed and…
Yeah, so there wasn't even any demon icon until I registered. Saying "Check out the details here!" when the details are actually accessible by knowing the details. Okay… Thanks for the help Tribbulater.
Ticket submitted. #52262 Waiting for CS to tell me to report it on the forums.. I think this is something the devs need to take a look at, not CS. It is a bug in the game that needs a real patch, not just patch notes.
I think the buyout means that you complete the event instantly without grinding every day. Thus, you can only buy the buyout once, which would still give you only one token.
I just tried putting in a ticked about this. I didn't get any confirmation that the ticket had been submitted, though I remember some text popping up when I submitted one last time. Not very reassuring. Maybe I should submit a ticket about this too...
Yeah, same. Honestly, I would have been somewhat surprised if it worked (yes, I am getting more and more cynical with each patch). Even the unearned achievements for this event have now disappeared from the journal post-patch. They were certainly there last night. This patch was supposed to fix just two things, one of…
Ran an Icespire x5 yesterday, no title. Just finished a Dragon x5, got the title… I ran x5s on about 9-10 days of the event, and this is the single title I got, on the last day. The achievements weren't even in the journal when the event started (checked the first time I ran an x5, first days of the event). Do they…
Same. No achievement after a x5 Icespire. I don't even see these achievements as unearned. (Granted, they may be hidden, as some others are.) Edit: thought these were achievements. Since they are titles, they won't show up anywhere before earned I guess.
DV for ToO is absolutely imbalanced compared to the others. Ran Idris and Icespire x5 without problems (in Icesipre on the 5th run one dps got dc'd, so we finished with 4 ppl), but this is on another level. Map is too long run-wise, way too many mobs, and they even seem to be tougher than in the other ToO dungeons. No…
@nitocris83 So.., it there an ETA on when these temporarily removed low level skirmishes will be available again? Not necessarily in random queue, but in any queue.
The day resets at 6 AM EST for most quests/events. And quests normally count on the day you turn them in, not on the day you actually do them (of course, most of the time it's the same day). In this case, it's probably when you talk to Nipsy in PE after you exit the Tales map.
Hi guys, I would like to have some clarification on how the event works. The only thing that's clear is that you need to create a toon during the event to participate. Now, will those toons still get the incentives and extra stuff if they level after the event is over?How long after the event can we still turn in the…
Thank you for the response! This is not about the random queue, but regular queues involving skirmishes tied to the leveling zones (like Blacklake, Tower District). I'm not sure they were ever part of the random queue, though they may have been for low level toons. However, I think they should still be available for…
Fishing in Sea of Moving Ice is bugged. The "reel bar" doesn't progress, it stays at 0 no matter what button I press. I couldn't even reel in a map, where all of the buttons were lit up. I have been doing the daily quests in SoMI, well, daily for some time now. I think I did the fishing quest on Sunday, and it was fine. I…