Im fine with the way the system works as is, but 1 thing... Say you get your coin at 5pm on day 1, now you cant get day 2's coin till 5pm the next day. Now say something comes up and you cant invoke till day 3 but can log in in the morning of day 2. well yes it extends it till the next day but now your behind a day on…
Bet they messed something up, same thing is happening for Utility slots on armor. got new armor and no exp bonus, but reequipped old armor and get bonus! something went wrong with last patch.
Can confirm that this is true, just got new boots,gloves, and helm. put in exp chants, and no bonus! reequipped my old armor and it shows the right exp bonus but new armor is at 0! they all have the same level 4 azure chants new and old.