He doesnt have a T1 set...he will be kicked the second he tries to join a T2 dungeon. PUG are nearly impossible to complete, if you love exploiting and have a full set of T2 armor your odds go up quite a bit, but other than that pray that you find a good group.
I cant believe you even got to the boss 6 times with a PUG...Was that in a row? I've pretty much stopped playing besides logging in for coins and leadership because of this. People either ditch right off, or the Que system never fills the part up, or people start doing exploits making it no fun.
That was the case...but now it is basically worthless to do. A gemmed shirt for rogue sells for about 240,000 AD. It cost over 100k just for the egg to make, and even with a full purple set of tools their is only a 60% you will even get the gemmed version. If you don't you lost money, if you do you might make a slight…
I agree something needs to be done...but as much as I hate to say it cause I hate leavers, I dont believe they should be penalized. Just the other day I had to leave a dungeon myself, because without anyword a couple started exploiting campfires. I got trapped back at an earlier campfire and of course nobody would come…
Well I am sorry if I took it wrong. There is just so many threads bashing Cryptic lately and I am going to quit if you dont fix this right now threads it gets depressing. My gear score is not great, its barely over 9200 which at 60 most would consider pathetic. I like crafting and I've spent most of my diamonds on that and…
You said you were striving to get your gear score over 5k and you were threatening to quite because your gear score dropped a little..that to me implies worry of a great deal. I wasnt disparaging your gear. I was just saying that I could tell you were less than 60 by your score and nobody should be worrying about gear…
If everything is the same it shouldnt be any harder...I cant believe anyone is even bothering with worrying about gear score before 60...which you cant be with a gear score so low.
I had the exact same thing happen to me...It was an alt and I had not claimed my guardian horse. Once I claimed that I was able to spend my coins. I would check to make sure you had nothing unclaimed in your inventory....
He is talking about rank 3 to rank 4...Pretty sure rank 2 has a 90% success rate so not really surprised you don't fail on them...I don't either except on a rare occasion.
hmms...Nevermind I found a fix for this. For some reason just collecting my guardian horse corrected the issue and allowed me to spend my coins. Hope this helps someone else.
Your guild looks great...I really hope they combine the shards soon, I am on Dragon. Been a long time since been able to find a good rp group, it is so hard in large MMO's like this. Always been into role-playing,though got into it heavy once the original Neverwinter Nights came out. It was so much easier their as you…
I still remeber the base system in City of Villains, the amount of choices you could design with was staggering and made it lots of fun. If they could do something like that here for housing it would be great...I had more fun designing my base than playing the game :p
hmms...everybody is busy arguing over European law...didn't anyone pick up the user says he was banned? He probably wasn't banned for asking for a refund...if he was that would give him grounds with the law...He was probably banned for helping cause this mess with the exploit. Now he realizes he just shot his $200 out the…
This is exactly what I do when traveling with people I dont know....with friends I am lazy and pick something...then give it to them at the end of the run :p Really their is a super simple solution to this...all the dev's need to do is remove the need option if the items is not for your class. I would think this would be a…