Hmm seeing the posts looks like I somehow borked 3rd part. Dropped it to take it again but got caught up other shinies. It was my first beta after all. I love your story telling. I leveled 3 characters to level 10 and this story become somehow my regular leveling up content. I agree with comment above, your story and one…
I saw mostly guardian fighters, great weapon fighters and wizards during weekend. Those two followed by Rogue and I think I saw one or two player clerics. Guardian Fighters more common on low levels while GWF and rogues occasional sight around 20s. Wizards are all over so I picked wizard.
Hey there, Lyiat and Azilie, I love your Neverwinter videos and your excitement for game made me excited as well. They are my favorite ones for NWO. Thanks for your hard work. See you in game soon.
Traps just like in D&D Pen and Paper games can be handled with certain class in DDO. While there was only rogues to do that now game have Artificers as well. Secret doors are easier. You can find Detect Secret Doors clickie, wand, scroll or cast it yourself if you are a caster. For locked object you have knock…
While I didn't expect a Computer Game let alone a MMO would have flexibility of PnP game, when it comes to make your own character Neverwinter feels like falling short. It feels like 4e at first glance (I learned about it more in this forums so don't think it is that limited now). You start with a path which advice you to…
Really depends on what we will have. As I never played 4e probably will stick with one for begining (of course after trying all classes for some levels). If we get classes I wanted/planned for each role then can have 4. Defender: Paladin Leader: Bard Controller: Druid Striker: Sorcerer Also there are some classes I want to…
For me it is not a big problem if game feels like D&D or not. However it should be feel like Faerun. Demon Stone was not like any other D&D game I've played (Neverwinter, Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale more importantly Temple of Elemental Evil), even it is hard to call it a RPG. However it was pure Faerun story and I liked…
Another DDO player. I started on EU days when level cap was 14 and there ain't monkies around. Been an on and off player since then. After City of Heroes shut down we started playing regularly on Orien. My characters generally short lived because of the problem I will explain below. Mostly play my favorite classes; Druids,…