@ddmad Except for you know... The 15 free respect points and handfull of regret orbs you find leveling up. Also, your bank is shared between characters and items are not bound. If you have to remake your character its much easier on path of exile.
My problem is there is alot of misleading signs and figures in the trees. For example, The arrows that stem from the heroic feats on to the Paragons make it seem like you need the feat that corresponds to the arrow to reach the paragon tree of your choosing. The paragons also say "not yet available" leaving you clueless…
If there was a broader range of cosmetic transactions, respecs could be lowered in price. comment here if you look for a solution, http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?232422-Donation-rewards-that-are-fair-yet-still-desireable-profitable
News flash, no matter when maintenance is - a region of the world will draw the short straw. Maintenance is wonderful, I'm in the US and i'm here waiting too - big deal!
I actually get super excited when there is maintenance because I look forward to the patch notes *refreshes patch notes forums anxiously* Maintenance means things are happening and that is ALWAYS good! p.s - I really want to play as a druid! <3
I use Firefox and I still get the IE 403 error, it brings up my IE even though I haven't touched internet explorer in years and firefox is my default browser!