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  • 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. ...Stare! edit: bite me to whomever thought it was a great idea to nerf caps on a full word ... the carebear countdown is nothing without a full on carebare stare
  • I totally agree, leave the tools alone. They're not intelligent enough to play a game let alone an mmorpg, your energy is better exhausted convincing others capable of understanding your point of view.
  • Just lie about your GS in chat. It was re.tarded putting gear score into the game anyways and then not calling it pay to win. now that the good exploits have been removed, and the ones introduce din the new content are removed then after those narrow windows unless you've hoarded or are willing to shell out over 100 bucks…
  • lmao @ the tool spending his time camping posts and moving them. so pathetic. I'd like to keep you busy all night, but that would be self-defeating. perhaps I should script it, but I'm too lazy. perhaps another time though. Next time batman.
  • lmfao that's epic he should have aimed for spelling out 'HELP ME' or 'SOS'
  • Dyslexia and an mmorpg are a classic match made in heaven.
  • Zenimax is making it. You shouldn't experience anything more than the typical MMORPG release post 04, incomplete/lacking endgame, imbalanced classes/gameplay, the usual exploits that will be patched within a few weeks, cash shop items even if only a few in even a subscription game, mobs easier to kill at max level than the…
  • what you are supposed to do is use google and find out how to mute them every day, that will teach the greedy prick to ninja something that belongs to you.
  • that's why they're quitting, lol.
  • either way pubstomping d*uches lose in the end. they'll all wind up facing themselves one way or another, penalties or no. I just wanna see this game fail more than it already has, so I believe the penalties should be pretty harsh and the losing teams should get about 100 xp and 50 glory tops even at level 60. I take a…
  • the pvp is poor quality, it's become a running joke really. people used it for the dailies and the glory, that was the only reason to do it. If premades were a segregated qeue, and there were gear score brackets with no larger a gap than 1k at the most, or 500 tops at level 60 (or else it hurts, and before people got…
  • Capchas are the biggest pain in the *** on the internet and easily circumvented, why in the hell would anyone who is not a dyslexic schizophrenic actually think it is a good idea to squint their eyes and get a migraine every 20 seconds on top of being spawn camped by the pubstompers they're rollin up against? Good troll…
  • greetings premade pubstomping d*uchebag! I am only here to point out the mental retardation in your statement! Players are free to kill the process in task manager and login to another character, that is if there is the lack of an option to log out of the characters considering the lack of an option to leave the broken…
  • The hoarders and the exploiters who saved their mules will have a real problem with that. And yes there is only one way to send a message, get everyone and their uncle to exploit something to the point it'll harm zen sales or HAMSTER off a sizable portion of the playerbase who would have potentially spent something and…
  • supposedly you're all getting no glory any more for losing even at 60 with some sort of changes due to farmers correct? it's not only impractical, but an outright waste of time to make an effort and be constantly one hsotted and frustrated whent he alternative is standing still and getting even less than next to nothing.…
  • they could easily do what rift does, simply count healing as contribution just as damage is counted as contribution. problem solved, although back in the day it did help my mage and cleric swim over from meridian and heal simmersand and rack up some early simmer planarites when i saw invasions on the map over there. you…
  • apparently this is what happens when you build your character around exploits and cheese gameplay. if it's patched, you screw yourself, and it's your fault for building your character to exploit overlooked or unintended stacking.
  • so you tank/gwf excluding pieces of HAMSTER actually have to develop some skill and put some thought into your gameplay soon? I'm actually beginning to regret my payment dispute now, since pwe has ****ty cutomer service it essentially means since they haven't responded on paypal for almost a week that there is no way i…
  • if you got hacked, don't bother with cs people have tickets in from launch supposedly who keep having them closed and with no response saying it's even being looked into. just do a chargeback or payment dispute, move the few folders oyu need preserved so long as they are not in any of the app data area, I mean like game…