What the ****ing hell are you talking about? D&D never separated between player and environment because they understood that players ARE IN THE ENVIRONMENT. It has always been true that any player can attack any and all things at all times. If you want to kill your teammate in a D&D campaign you are allowed to.
You guys are thinking about this in the wrong perspective. Tell me, are players in the environment or are they outside of the environment of the game? We clearly play in the environment of the game, so players are part of the environment. As you can see, in this enlightened perspective, the discussion of "PVP vs PVE"…
What you are describing is not open pvp but guild vs guild so my original point still stands. Let the players decide who to fight and let them police themselves. If there's some HAMSTER ganking newbs he gets blacklisted and other people come and wreck him. Pretty simple conept and works well in other games.
Look at this subforum, all you see is a flood of QQ's so nothing would change. If that's your only argument against open pvp then you are living in a fantasy world.
I'm holding the dev's to their words, which you apparently missed. They clearly stated "Made by D&D fans for D&D fans." Don't HAMSTER down my back and tell me it's raining. I play in a fantasy world.
What the **** man use PARAGRAPHS I won't even bother reading your ****, all I saw was "the only way you can have open pvp is to have factions" which is completely off base, factional pvp is HAMSTER and has no place in D&D. You know who your enemy is in a D&D campaign? Whoever the **** you want it to be, that's the whole…
So you are against trying something that has never been done before? Nice to see your true opinions come out, all you like is rehashed clones of WoW, got it. To all game devs reading this thread, never try anything new, cythrul will tell you it won't work because it hasn't been done before!
Look at the threads on the first page in this section, all you see is whining about something that can be easily solved by staying true to the original game.
Sorry this is D&D and pvp needs to be everywhere, players are part of the environment. Don't spout your segregation nonsense at me, I don't tell carebears to go to their own server, do I?
Shut up down2one, all arena pvp is a circle jerk. What do you lose when you die in one of your carebear arenas? Nothing? oh wow yeah that's a ****ing circle jerk if I've ever seen one.
I'm frankly disgusted that it isn't this way already. It is an insult to Neverwinter and the Forgotten Realms IP. Also, these idiots talking about PvE vs PvP don't realize that players are part of the environment, so any argument in favor of PvE without including PvP is invalid.
There shouldn't be any safe zones in this game, it's ****ing Neverwinter not WoW. For ****'s sake you people are too god **** sensitive, every character could be attacked at any time in Neverwinter. This arena touch football knitting club is lame as hell, and always results in threads like these where carebears argue over…