Impossibru! If they pick class X with race Y they won't know if that choice was good until they can enter PvP... and if they get roflstomped then by someone who picked the same class X, but with race Z they'll know that they chose ill. Then the game will turn sour and they will go back to WoW, where they'll get roflstomped…
Never forget, that at this early stage of the pre-beta we tested if the core game works or not. It does! Mounts work, companions work, quests work, all is well. Now comes the finetuning. The levelling speed was rather fast, but it only shows a very rough estimate of what it'll be in the future. More mounts, companions,…
Not at this time, certeinly. The game is just moving from closed beta to a more open form of closed beta and I expect that any new classes will be introduced close to or even within open beta. Until then, there is much work to be done :)
This will be said, so I'll just get it out there: After the weekends, are there any plans already as to who will get access to the real beta and when? I am just curious - I'll get to play for 3 weekends, if I have to wait until open beta after that I won't mind - will have many, many screenies to watch and enjoy during the…
Patience, fellow founders and beta testers! We start with 5 classes that cover all the basic roles in a group, with a little bit of choice. The existance of 2 fighter classes makes me hopeful that a couple of years down the road we'll have dozens of classes to choose from. (ok, maybe I got a tad too high there) Also, this…
My main will be a human Control Wizzy for sure - but I'll roll all the other races as well. Usually, I like using race/class combos that either are perfect matches or perfect mismatches. I cannot yet say which way I'll go here :)
I distinclty remember having read that exploitation (or rather its annihilation) has been a central part of the foundry development from codeline 1. Also, the foundry missions being non-level-restrictive lewtz'n stuff has to be random. Create a mission to kill 1 rat and the end resulting XP will be HAMSTER. It's that…
"well within"? We are the CENTER of europe! ;) And a part of the U.N. *proud* VAt wise, I understand as I said earlier: To take all the different VAT-s into account would use too many resources. The British have the same problem, and they are much bigger than us. Also, if you look into the EU you'll find many different…
To my shame I don't know about the Free Trade Association, but I do know that we are the white dot within the European Union. We are outside of the EU border (ok, by bilateral treatys that border is transparent nowadays). Not that that was of any real importance - we are so dependent on the EU that it does not make any…
Morning! Back to VAT: I am swiss, our VAT is 8% AND we don't have the EURO. Oh, oh, we are not even in the EU, by the way :) So in theory there should be either an option to pay in Swiss Franks or we should be able to choose to pay in US Dollars. Then again, everybody else should have the option to use their own currency…
*grumble* I always knew that VAT is a bad idea... *wants a cookie* Ok, ok... just promise that you'll keep selling the founders packs till the first week of march, because I want everything and can only afford to get everything by march :-)
189 EURO?? Come on. That's some 230 to 240 dollars for us Eropeans. I had decided to buy the big package, but now am reconsidering. The game will be free to play after all (and I'll get into the second weekend anyway). Please correct that price discrepancy.
To your question: Yes. I already have some Ideas what adventures I'm gonna make. I would not be surprised at all if I spent a significant part of my NWO gametime making new adventures! From what I've seen the foundry is a powerful tool, simple and elegant to use and difficult to master. Just perfect :-D
Absolutely. If everything stacks, I'll buy the big one first (will do that anyway) and the small one in a month (when I can afford it). If we only get the two mounts and pets the price for the small pack is too high. However, I too need confirmation from the source, not interpretations (however well meant, no offense). :-)
I did not read through the whole thread, so I won't comment on what has been commented on the 1'000th time. But there is something I feel very strongly about: Charakter customization. That is the one thing I am convinced that D&D is vastly superiour to all the others. The reason for that is simple: D&D chatakter…
If *everything* truly was accessible without RL money easy, the business side of the game would not ad up. They need money to run everything and likely not too little. Therefore we have to be - motivated to spend on the game. These lockboxes are a wonderful way of motivation, if everything inside them can be gotten…
Well, as long as the shop-items are not need-to-have, I neither worry nor mind. I expect the shop items to be cool looking, maybe one or three with nice stats (but a little weaker than ingame-aquired things) and above all utility like more bagspace, XP-boosts, guild-XP-boosts (if guilds work that way), in general boosts…
Well, I pay as much as is necessairy to have a blast. Granted, I am one of those whose monthly budget for F2P games balances those of several players who do not choose to invest a dime but the F2P model is successful because of people like me. How much exactly I spend monthly cannot be said - I always buy cash-currency in…
Yay. Lockboxes contain useful stuff, sometimes cosmetic stuff. But nothing more powerful than what you can get ingame without using any paid corrency. Lockboxes are a way to get cool stuff a bit quicker - concerning us gamers, that's all. However: Lockboxes are a very nice way to raise funds by getting us to buy keys for…