Just curious are you willing to refund me entirely for the Founders Pack and all Zen purchases ? I knew there would not be a fair way to deal with this unless it was a ROLL Back to a fresh start. I played this game honestly and paid my real money honestly, and feel cheated for the future of having to play with those who…
Do people REALLY think that a company will just arbitrarily invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide a FREE game ? I choose to believe people are really not that dumb. Perhaps ignorance is at hand. If there were nobody buying Founder Packs and Zen, YOU DO NOT PLAY.. period. Get real with the hatred for the…
@ Arnerjaya This is funny to read all the people who paid money on this game and want a refund of said money or a wipe so they can spend their virtual money on different HAMSTER this time around. Too bad you dumb ****s. You decided to spend your money on a game in beta and way too soon to even give them time to deal with…
"I understand. You're angry that your $650 spent doesn't make you a unique and beautiful butterfly anymore. Anyone who has spent that much money at this point of the game is no better than an exploiter tbh. You've both done what you wanted to get an advantage." Go get a job ...seriously
All along I kept wondering who these AWESOME 5 man teams were that kept farming the end game bosses. The same bosses that pounded the HAMSTER out of the groups I ran with. ROFL, it now comes to light. Not only that now understanding the kicks from groups that were trying to form these untouchable teams. Just wow...
"I've spent $650 in Zen and I support a Complete Wipe." I also have spent that and bought a Founders Pack. Seriously not sure I will ever feel like anything was done fairly unless they roll back. They then can refund my Zen and Founders Ad's, items etc. But really what was the intent to make every Epic drop BOE and let…
No jack bass In case you did not know some people don't sit at the game 24 hours a day and may JUST MAY have read about this within an hour and fought through to even get on forums.
For those who are confused about having a ROLL BACK well... I viewed a screenshot of one guy’s account showing his bags with over 100 Epic pcs of gear and weapons. Almost all of them he could not even use!! He also had 60(SIXTY) MILLION ASTRAL DIAMONDS!! This is absurd and has ruined the game for me!! They seriously need…
And to reply to regular Saturday downtimes ...this will kill a ton of the player base. Seriously what MMO is not up and available on a Saturday or Sunday. Come on lol
Yeah I for one am saying this is a very poor decission. Why would you all of the sudden on Saturday night right at the most played time on average start maintenance ? I have several freinds that I talked into trying the game who after last night and tonight laughing and don't care to come back. Really sucks cause I wanted…
Well if I had seen some of the issues and read some of the forums with regard to other games sponsored by this grp I may have re thought the investment I put into this game. Sadly enough they have my 600.00 + and I sit unable to log in and play !!!!
So 200 is light !! Some have spent 600.00 or more. And were told that by becomeing a "Hero Founder" they would be pushed to the first q position for log in to the game. NOT able to log in AT ALL was not a consideration. And when the CASH SHOP takes my credit card and there are no issues involved with that portion of the…
Thus why it's Open Beta Expect a lot of updates in phased-launch days.Expect Maintenance every night in an open beta Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner. How dare they fix things when its not convenient for you!!!! There now all you brown nose pets are grouped together LOL
Communication is a really awesome way to treat your customers. Rather than just drop a shut down with 30 min notice and no plan how long. Guess all you want to... Not that hard to give an estimate. Don't bash the ones who have more passion than you to be in the game.
How dare they ? well there are many who have invested well over 500.00 into the game so do we feel like some entitlement is due ? Yes... And for SOME that work during the week the weekends are all we get to play the game. This was not announced also which is kinda bad planing. Always have to defend off the GM/ Teacher Pets