As an iron vanguard you would have Frontline surge... can be usefull against tr's...i do not really like swordmasters couse of theyr lack of gap closer ,,threatening rush "... you might try useing roar ... or slam daily...but again those are not viable solutions...gwf are pointless atm in pvp.
Yeah that guy is OP... again no decent pvp till i achive that... ? Do i really need to invest thousants of dolars in a game to have a feeling of reward ?
I agree with that... i was only stateing the above from my point of view becouse i play that class and i lose the time and sanity couse of that. Please understand i'm not qqing about other classes beeing op or somth. I understand each class has its own mechanics...advantages or dissadvangaes, but GWF is not…
Look closely ... that guy has mysthic artifact..i can only asume he has rank 10 or above enchants ... i can only affoard rank 8...its ok...i can manage that.. but look closely to that video...he only pvp's the tr with a GF neer him..1v1 he would be toasted...its not about beeing op,like i said... dmg…
Destroyers that invested real money ( and allot of it ) do ok' above said...instig are worthless...and santinels are pointless ( punching bags w/o dmg ). My advice is to reroll I personaly will quit the game due to the recent lack of foks given to GWF from the devs.
I tryd doing them on my lvl 60 GF...its allmost impossible or very very hard...i decided, when they will have another x2 xp event, i'll make 70, and after that start the boons farm. From my pov. , this solo content is not worth the effort till lvl 70 when you'll have better gear.
I know its not a pvp build but i feel the need to ask... is it worh even playing GWF in pvp anymore ? at 2.6k GS i cannot kil anything and i die in 10 seconds... its not about wm not stacking, or anything like that....its just that i feel that GWF doest have any dmg output and no armor in pvp.
Destro +3 seems bugged....but i'm not sure 100% WM ... no stacks... and i spent 4 points in it... Next ---> gwf's wont be able to equip any weapons :))
Have givven up on ,, Deep Gash " and ,, Student of the sword " and took instead ,, Great weapon focus " and ,, disciple of war " in the destro build....cant complain.... tho i cant say i see a big change. Certanly the ,, Student of the sword " fear its worthless now....
My problem : is it worth now keeping the Student of the sword feat? 5% seems like nothing.... what do you guys think ? As for the deep gash i'd say its still worth. gonna keep that..but dont really know of the student of the word.