SO for wicked strike should we be using all 3 swings after hitting weapon master strike? As the 3rd swing does more damage. I am decently geared but hear that my damage is low for my class, so just want to be sure.
Me too I was on dragon server now my character is gone and i only have 2 slots for characters instead of 3 . Characters name is Hood of dragon server level 28.
Is recovery really that good for pvp though, as you get ccd alot. I know this isnt a pvp guide but I would imagine armor pen would be be better for that reason alone in pvp.
Yeah I am frustrated as well nothing like wielding a 2 hander that should hit slow and hard. But it hits like a wet noodle and rogues hit for about 5 times harder than us.
What about crit and armor pen? As a pvper I would like to be stronger. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I am only 27 atm but am looking to do more damage. I see a TR open on me with a 1200 hit and I open with 270 lol. This by far is the best vid, cant wait to try the action combat, hopefully Neverwinter will be what KOA reckonings mmo would have been or better !!!