BIS for a GWF would be literally switching out weapon enchantments depends on the content/dungeon phases. Bile is BIS for AOE/multitarget hands down, Vorpal still wins for burst of course but that's definitely gonna shake up the battle ground, sacrifice single target damage for great AOE or the other way around, etc. If…
Uhm, I think you completely misunderstood my intention. My DPS won't get rekt, I can easily buy a trans Bilethorn, I have the funds - I'll be completely fine with the transition, but this isn't about me. My point is, there's no reason for more overpowered things in this game. Why not adjust Bile/Fey/Lightning to be on par…
Bruh, case in point, you refuse to follow the current very powerful meta, you'll get hated for it by pugs forever and always, don't expect anything else, the world isn't gonna go upside down an instant or overnight, there's a majority, there's a minority, you're the minority as the meta is, whether you like it or not, the…
@demonmonger As I said, time and again, it's not the bondings, stop blaming the bondings. Today it's the bondings, several mods ago it was augments. If you didn't have an augment back then you were getting the exact same hate and disgusted looks from everyone. Tomorrow it'll be something else and so on, it's an MMO -…
Meh, it's kind of funny how you guys (developers) stated you don't wish to change the world order and make the adjusted WE's instantly BIS to not hurt literally 99% of the game population who's running Vorpal/Dreads, however you did just that. Bile/Lightning will be BIS for DPS in most if not all cases depends on the…
To be honest, to each their own. I would never ever run with you because I find your attitude tedious - not doing something just for the sake of not doing it and being different, tiring really. No offense of course, nothing personal. I for one, appreciate aspiration for effectiveness in any field that makes sense (I'd most…
What about Bilethorn? It's outperforming literally anything right now on preview, like 5 times over best in slot (over Dread/Vorpal). I'm going to toss a wild guess and say it can't be intended, any fix coming? @asterdahl
Hey everyone, I'm too lazy to update this forum version of my build (so much formatting to do, such a headache QQ), alas the mmominds of the build is updated. As for my opinion, you can find it in my recent video embedded below!
Looks like I've been summoned by @jaime4312 to testify ;) No, seriously, the good players don't need AA because they know what the hell they're doing. That's the whole difference. For a GWF it's all about footwork, you might not be able to dodge, but if you know the mechanics of the dungeon well enough, you know when that…
I think Feytouched should be slightly nerfed to be either on par with Vorpal/Dread or slightly beneath so it'll be a viable option but not instantly BIS, as you've said, the point was to buff other enchants so we'll have more options, with the possibility of changing the current meta entirely, however not with that…
That's very odd, mine's rising properly. Something's definitely off about the bonuses, haven't heard from anyone within the guild about anything wrong though. Could be certain mounts that are causing the problem. I'll check later today if I can find out anything.
Yeah that's been happening since they introduced the legendary bonus. I've grown accustomed to it by now lmao. The inflation of stats I'm talking about is actually when the Archon attacks dummies. If i give it 2 minutes without doing anything myself, my stats just inflate every 20 seconds. A steady increase also, it halts…
Just checked, works just fine. Not sure what you're doing wrong, granted the additional two Prot C's give you an extra 1%, but it indeed works. I've been having issues with inflating stats over time lately though that's realted to the Friendship/Camaraderie synergy, my stats just inflate over time for no good reason, gotta…
We do plenty of speedruns without a single DC, we have some great healadins in the Crusaders and in the absence of a DC they do the job just fine! @jeffslider doesn't rely on AA either, not to mention it's currently broken beyond measure thus making all content ridiculously trivial. Will be much more interesting when it…
GWF is basically a combination of a D&D Barbarian and a Fighter. Unstoppable = Rage, same functionalities, except all MMO aspects replace the resistance to different types of damage and addition to your own damage. It's the core mechanic of the class, it's an off-tank, if you strip the class off of secondary role (a GWF…
Just because I'm late to the party doesn't mean we can't celebrate - huge welcome to The Imaginry Friends and the one true most awesome democratic dictator (<3) @micky1p00
I used to be a pretty avid PVP player, did premades for a long while as well, ranked top 20 in NCL til I got bored and specced back to PVE, ranked up high in the leaderboards for a while (when they worked), etc. PVP is no longer fun for me as it's not balanced anymore, I still have all the gear and enchants on standby if I…
Seriously, not sure what the fuss is all about, from someone who actually has a Cambion and is using one, it's unnecessary to have one. You can do just fine without and having one does not give you great advantage over anybody. Rare does not mean best in slot.
See, what most people don't understand is that replacing IBS with BF and running full buffs is merely an illusion, not only it doesn't really increase your damage (it might feel that way because you run ahead with endless stamina and kill everything before the poor CW/TR can get there), it'll lower it for the most part.…
No it's not, please read the explanation and numbers section and look at what Daring Shout does. Also according to recent findings it's situational. If you have a GF or another GWF in the party you're better off with BF, if nobody else is marking DS is the way to go.
@michela123 Very interesting, I hope I can find my old logs from mod 4 or 5, the marks did stack, I never thought about checking whether the mechanic changed. Funny however, Threatening Rush is still bugged after all this time, hilarious. Thanks for the logs, I'll run additional tests later this week to verify the changes.…
Great work as always! I'm gonna have to test the mark stacking myself as well, I wasn't aware there's been a change and GF/GWF marks won't stack. If you have any logs that'd be appreciated, will definitely change my playstyle if it indeed no longer stacks.