Normally only once a week. Some unusual problems lately are causing more down times. I assume you mean important. Normal downtime is Thursday 7AM U.S. Pacific timezone because that is where the people live and work. No but someone will always be inconvenienced because this game runs 24hrs. a day.
One key thing that has never been made clear (and has been asked before) is what do the refinement percent chances actually mean? Does 10% really mean every time I try I have a 1 in 10 chance of success? Or is 10% based on population? As in, if 100 people try at the same time(or over some specific period of time) 10 of…
Yes it more or less balances out. Sure you could roll a standard die 6 times and get 1,2,3,4,5,6 but with such a small sample size you probably won't. Sure you could roll it 100 times and get "3" 50 times but this is also unlikely. Roll a die 6000 times and it's highly likely you'll hit each number about 1000 times. FYI -…
The test: RNG % by refining Rank 4 enchantments to rank 5. Expected result: 70% success rate. Process: --No wards used. --Each rank 4 refinement was attempted 1 time. If the refinement failed I moved on to the next rank 4. --Attempts were done in batches of various sizes between 21 and 99 at a time. Batch meaning no more…
Haven't had time to review all the posts but I think this is a huge positive move overall. Reducing the overall complexity and inventory slot requirements is a huge plus in my book!
I agree with your disagreement of listening to the bonding 100% up time. :) Stick with the original 50% or compromise a little and make the max up time 60-70%.
And for more fun I'm thinking you've got some bad patch servers out there. There were two times when I "Force verify" and the missing corsair dll came back! Both times were PatchRedirectServer If I hit a 'bad' IP address, such as or I wouldn't get the missing corsair dll. And if…
@shinigami The LightFX.dll is in both Live and Playtest for me with create dates of 6/16/2017 and 6/19/2017 respectively so I don't think they are getting deleted. As for CUESDK_2015.DLL it will also be deleted from Playtest if I "Force verify" while NeverwinterPreview is selected.
P.S. Way back when this started I asked for the name of the DLL and didn't get an answer. I figured it was missing or installed wrong but no one told me so I didn't know what to search for. Just sayin'.... :p P.P.S. Made a backup copy of cuesdk_2015.dll, ran the force verify and it again deleted this dll from "Live".…
@shinigami Yep the dll is being removed. When I do a force verify and then restart the launcher the cuesdk_2015.dll will no longer be in the Live folder. When I close the launcher and start it a second time it sometimes puts the dll back in "Live". I think it mirrored the dll from playtest but it went by too fast for me to…
@chadvaliant and @shinigami Get this: I did a force verify for "Live" and the dll was still missing. Then I closed the launcher, ran it again, logged in and saw something got patched real quick. Now I have the dll in both "Live" and "Playtest"!
@chadvaliant and @shinigami I think this matches my earlier observation where I caused a loading delay to improve the chances. While the delay itself may be another false indicator I did notice that when the delay was in the initial "Patching" stage ( first screen where you can see the status of the server and choose…