i support a full wipe. the AD eploit has been going on since day one of open beta. Just imagine if we got a wipe. All the prices in the AH would be so much more reasonable.
i like it this way. it may be a bit frustrating but it's more realistic. just imagine if it were real life, it WOULD be very frustrating if your allies are in the way when you're trying to heal someone but you can't just heal through them, you have to just try to get in position to heal the right target and hope you make…
you can exchange astral diamonds for zen so although it may take a long time to gather enough diamonds to exchange for a respec. that's how it was intended. it's a F2P game they have to make the microtransaction appealing in someway obviously. and fine if you don't like it leave. just goes to show how unresourceful you…
perfect comment. i just wish all the HAMSTER who still agree with the OP would see this comment. open beta IS IN PLACE FOR A REASON. what's wrong with all you people why you so paranoid thinking these companies are out to get you and your money? jesus christ it's such nonsense. if you can't realize that the people behind…
or they could just hold on a lot longer and not let us play open beta. they could just release the game next year. man i swear HAMSTER people. just learn to appreciate.
what i think, personally, is that you need to chill tf out. words are words. dig a little deeper and appreciate the game for what it is and realize that there are a lot of people behind this game that are so happy/proud to share it with the world. if dubbing it's current state as open beta makes it a little easier on them…
he is obviously kidding and anyone who doesn't realize that is diseased with "blinding stupidity" and if you were even questioning for half of a second if he was joking, same deal: sorry pal you have "blinding stupidity" some people, man... my god.