Really don't think you can actually permastealth, but you can definitely get ~80% uptime or so. That is... if you want to be doing absolute **** for damage...
I just discovered this pleasant little issue. EDIT: The only difference I see in my issue is that mine doesn't actually load, ever. Not even after 30 minutes. I am now locked out of all my characters until they fix it. Excellent. EDIT 12:39 P.M. CST: PrEn loads again, yay!
I think the problem with healer aggro is that clerics are not letting other party members generate any threat before they start throwing HoTs out. When I play my cleric in dungeons, I dps for the first 10 seconds or so and get my divinity up, I only throw heals out when people get below 50% HP. Also, the health gain on hit…
Don't buy a founder's pack... Nothing in any of them has any value whatsoever. I love this game but I won't buy a founder's pack because you simply get nothing worthwhile for it. I'd be more likely to donate 5 or 10 dollars and get nothing in return than pay a forced 20, 60, or 200 (hahahaha) dollars and get some worthless…
Nice! I knew this screenshot was bull**** when I first saw it. No idea it was photoshopped though. I've been giggling at all the HAMSTER who spend $500 on Zen during a beta and then get pissed. I've also been giggling at people who are mad in general. All the "quitters" and complainers are so stupid it really is just…
1. Your link is dead. 2. You very obviously have not read any of my posts, or have not put any thought into the points I have made. I DID see the screenshot before it was dead. It is not convincing evidence to anyone who's ever had a rational thought. 3. Thanks for playing!
So it seems that you DON'T know how databases and SQL work, which is fine, because most people don't lol. So allow me to explain what they can do. 1. Search all AH transactions for negative bids, joined with the user table by @handle (the JOIN command will return all rows from the user account table that correspond to the…
Well flakeless, can't really argue with that! Though it does say "We are experiencing issues with our reporting system" so I'm still not entirely convinced that PWE/Cryptic would have seen it. If I had discovered this bug I'd have probably been submitting a couple bug reports about it every time I played, and PM'd a…
Care to post a link to it? And was it a player submitting the bug report that posted it? If you think about how many people are playing this game (which I don't know the exact number but we'll just say 10,000), and then lets say each player submits one bug report a week. Or let's say half of them submit one bug report a…
Perfect World Entertainment is, was, and always will be pure garbage. They are the single worst gaming-related company I've ever seen. Even EA and Sony are better by a huge margin. I will never give them one cent of my money.