The bottom line is people spent a ton of time and or money to get where they are and you want to set them back months and months/alot of money. It is all to obvious that you bait and switched the change we are not stupid. Its also obvious you dont respect your community any person who puts a single dollar into this or any…
You always say you will give updates but you do not. You just say more info when available and leave us in the lurch, thanks for trying but another fail. Also this should have been posted an hour ago
yeah games have maintenance it happens but a lack of communication with the community every time the deadline is extend shows a lack of respect. Tweeting is reaaaaalllly easy, surely whoever was tweeting "soon" and "not long now" an hour and a half ago can get back on twitter and tey again to communicate with us
No surprise they can hardly ever keep a schedule, meanwhile their twitter was telling a bunch of people "soon" half an hour ago. But now? Radio silence as always
Neverwinter just tweeted out that the blue beetle is only for new players, however several long term players in my alliance were able to download it. Another stellar job yall. Feeling the love as always.
^^^. This is my main issue here. This game already has the grind level set to "full time job" so on top of that this happens keeping in mind alot of us on ps4 are trying to get power art in time for 2x rp. Every day lost to grind at a decent pace means we have to grind hard at some point and believe it or not these aren't…
So what about all the people who dont follow these forums? Are they gonna get screwed? And yes im affected by this but if i have to stalk a forum and post or pm my details over a little bug like this thats an issue. Supposedly 15 million players, what percentage are active on this forum? Meanwhile we are all losing time to…
By the way anyone reading this with the new mod playstation is getting the key change rammed down our throat you know the one that on the preview shard that supposedly is under testing for a whole week. This key change is going to be the slow death of dungeons. Make no mistake this game is now 100% pay to play. Dont worry…
Never have i ever seen a company so hellbent on getting rid of it's customers. Lets see accuse us all of being cheaters by using a feature you put in the game and was there for years ok. Then ask us all for feedback and suggestions, all of which were ignored. Then say you made changes like we asked but really just shined…
R.I.P Dungeons. Once all my keys are gone im not sure what exactly i will stick around this game for, a D'n'D game where getting to the end of dungeons and beating the boss makes you lose money...over it.
Just bought six months of vip give back my money you thieving liars. Way to ruin a fun game, the grind level of this game has gone from impossible to insert credit card. How people who make these decisions and tell lies like these have jobs let alone sleep at night amazes me. Broken game is broken, you will NEVER see…