Posting it here because mine may get burred Things that should be and are not and things that are and should not be Things that should be and are not 1) no cost to keep the look you want 2) No grinding more story options and paths 3) Classes should be closer to the books 4) Races not locked behind random drop boxes 5)…
the ability to get mail at other locations as side protectors would be good as having to run all the way back there just to get something and then all the way back to were I was is a pain in the ***. Come on a mail box every once in a while the sky pirate is a real pain after getting deep in its a ***** to go back through.…
And let the paladin have hammers or swords please I hate the maces, I want a hammer. More cosmetic stuff for all I say please maybe put some in some of the crafting skills would be used then.
I Have been here through beta to now and have seen the difficulty drop soon after it started to ****** levels and was a walk in the park before m6 now after I have noticed more use of injury kits and potions don't seem to cut it too good but I have had to adjust my tactics. On my thief went full on stealth and got a…
Back on topic they will most likely add a race native to the realms over one that is not, so Gnome is a given next choice followed by Genasi or maybe deva (half celestial as opposed to tifling or half demonic). I would love to see Goliaths or Minotaur some type of big race as there are some small ones. The mount issue…
Well thank goodness I was able to get one of these from a lock box after about 20 keys maybe luck. Works great with my red dragon wizard fire mage and pet elemental archon
I have a 56 level paladin and can solo a dragon and not die, mind you the encounter reset and before I killed it. I almost never go below half if at all and most of my gear is green. My pets are a bard who really never dies, an angel with a mace, and a few others just added the neverwinter guard. As it stands been having a…
I have spent over 500 or so and find leveling is far too quick and there is very little replay ability of this game. As the main content is very repetitive, maybe adding some of the best player made content to the official game would be good. As for lower level players would have more than the same adventures over and over…
I think it would be more like D&D if you needed a higher perception to notice them and some only a rogue could find or disarm. But then you would have the whining about its not far, well suck it up. Each class is distinctive and should be so but as this is a pay to be uber and win MMO it will never happen. From what I can…
I would like the bard for a character but will wait as can not afford it right now, but been seeing some bard companions makes me think there working on a bard class. Maybe after druid class comes out not sure but hope the sale happens again next week end when I have some extra money to spend.
I would like to pick a look and stick with it and not have to transmute my weapon and armor with every new better one I find that looks like 10000 others. Give us an option to stick with a current style or look as the cost is insane at low levels some times, as I hate to transmute. To keep an axe for my dwarf I had to keep…