I've been away for a while and when I came back to play this game a week ago I made a mistake by trying out Master of Flame (using the free respec) without reading anything. as I try to earn more AD to buy a respec token, any suggestion on a build that might work for MoF? should I use a slightly modified renegade or thauma…
just to confirm, I've checked the affiliated online stores and it seems most of them don't deliver in southeast Asia? I guess not all are eligible for the freebies
tl;dr I forgot which page but I agree with the post that said what the gaming company considers as an exploit is subject to how it affects the business/profits. as I understand it, items like mounts have limited purpose and in-game value while loopholes in quests have far wider effects and items involved, so the players…
for me, free stuff is always good. I'd spend probably around 30 mins a day for it to get a free mount but I probably won't lose sleep over it. the event reminds me of many other events in other MMOs I've played so...meh...
I thought it was a bug at first, too, because I got confused at my quest list after my party-mate and I parted ways, it seems I had to redo all of the instances we both have completed in order to 'move on'. but then I realized this is the loophole people were talking about during beta, so I made sure to group only when…
some threads (ok maybe a lot) have described this issue about loots. but I think Cryptic did release the best gear via crafting. so basically the expansion came with better loots only that the mechanic how to obtain them is not generally favorable. I personally don't think about it much since my main is still poorly…
my guild would usually "level" our toons (mostly alts) until 30 or 40 with only crafting (leadership) and invocation before we allow it to dive into the content (again). my highest level alt is at 45 and has only completed ebon downs. I like how I can make it run around maps without any obstruction as it's overleveled and…
hey thanks! I'll keep these points in mind! so I guess the real question is, before 60, with only crafted blues and some greens equipped, which build and rotation is optimum for non-epic dungeons? I think my next target is pirate king. I have experience in dungeons as a rene CW so it's very new to me to stand back most of…
oh my, so they listened! or is it a bug? but I'm seeing the downside of this feature. is there a way to go on afk-I-yield mode so that you don't get kicked out by the system?
yes because the renegade build for CW seemed viable again (I don't have to respec!) but no for many other reasons already mentioned, specifically the chaos about certain "prized" items. in short I voted no.
right, what I missed was the part you said on exploit. I also have a CW and I do switch from AP regen to single target set up when needed and I do find a feature like a skill bar swap command a nice addition to the game. what I had in mind earlier was, if like in other MMOs, we have access to all our powers, to be able to…
Thanks for this thread. I'm leveling a DC myself, and my first dungeon (Throne of Idris at 42, I think) was frustrating knowing my char is not yet on optimal build. in addition to what OP wants to know, is this aggro affected by a certain feat or passive? I follow this build:…
yes I did, but you quoted your self with my handle on it :D anyway, I think I phrased want I wanted to say poorly, and I did miss the part 'out of combat'. I just think what sets this game apart from other MMOs is the limitation of the powers we could use at a time
afaik only 2 dresses are available for cosmetics--one from the wedding attire set and the other from the noble finery set. this game is lacking good customization in terms of cosmetics IMO, I'm still using my peasant's garb for fun @chaelk not in middle-earth, lol
love the idea since that's how I also run in other MMOs but I'm concerned on how it'll affect the mechanics of the game...since I'm no number cruncher I could only assume that if this is implemented, everyone can now use all of their powers in one rotation, unless of course there's a limit/penalty to the powers we could…
thanks for this thread, I was wondering about it too, I think 750k AD's too much for a companion upgrade it's not like the stone's gonna take the hits for me at rank 30 :P
I had the same slump at lower ranks (I think before 10) and I think what "fixed" it is a new patch. I also avoided experimentation via the gateway until the curse was lifted. maybe you need to report it because 25 lvl 17 experimentations with no alchemical knowledge seems bugged
necro'd this thread because after two months of playing I suddenly experienced this. all the bugs I've experienced after the last patch. I removed the prefs file as advised and finally got the client to run on fullscreen but the graphics is still muddy. I guess I really can't complain since my PC's specs are low (intel…