Just stand in town in look around , there is little variation in armour design/style , the fact that its quick & easy to hit level 60 is not really a excuse to have limited variation in armour/styles/design ... Its a poor show !
Here Here ! I'd have been happy if there was some style variation every 10 lvls (lets say 5 different sets per class every 10 levels) , none of this adding bits onto the same skin every 20 levels (Cheapskate Lazy BS imho) ... Seriously who came to this decision ?!? Who decided this was a good idea ... or ... wasn't…
Agreed ! This is an issue for a lot of EU players who like to be at the competitive edge in game and that means having a good 'ping' I never played UT, DAOC, EQ1, EQ2, Rift, COD series, BF series, LOTRO at 150+ ping because it would have sucked big dogs chuff ! I know Cryptic has a certain server setup in the US , what I…
Is this the official answer ? Oh Deary deary me :-( Since combat in this game is almost on par with the likes of todays FPS shooters in terms of player reaction/response I'd say 150/200 ms + ping is a handicap issue .. Can you explain how the 'cryptic network' is able to make a difference/negate the delay handicap that us…
I am seeing this problem whereby my shield wont stay up or it flickers/drops (with key depressed) allowing for damage or knockback to filter through ! I am sure this wasn't the case a few weeks ago ? I have switched KB , reset keys tried all sorts and get the same result every time - Its easy for me to replicate the issue…