I think this is a very partial poll, 3 options with 2 of them "nerf or remove" and 1 stay as same, not option for improving it, or change the way it works. Obviously you only want to remove them. There is not pay 2 win, there are many forms you can take them, some of them explained before. If you don't want to it's not our…
Oh yeah, you can ask all users to work for free in every part of the game not only in translating to spanish, but I prefer a well paid worker on this times of unemployment to improve global economy of the world. But ey, if you are so generous you can apply yourself to work for free for Cryptic scripting, creating new…
Oh yeah please TRANSLATE THE GAME TO SPANISH This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Neverwinter Forum Rules of Conduct ~Moderation Team
Hi, your guide help me a lot to build my GF, Do you know if is there any "Perfect" Tenebrous that deal more damage (like Perfect weapon enchantments)? Or is Greater Tenebrous the top Tenebrous? What do you think of Lifedrinker for Weapon Enchantment? It worth the lifesteal that gives you? Thanks!
I would like to see some no dps classes, we already have 3 dps!! Only 1 healer and 1 "Tank". - Paladin (Healer Tank) - Druid (Healer Buffer/Debuffer) - Bard (Control Buffer/Debuffer) - Monk (Tank) And at least 1 more paragon class option for every one!
Hello! Lots of thanks for this pretty guide! I have one question about pets, what is the diference between the cat and the ioun stone (apart from appearance, price and colour of course); and what would you recommend from these two for a CW. Thanks! And sorry my english a bit bad.
No tengo ni idea, a mi durante un rato tampoco me conecto, estube jugando un poco al lol y cuando volvi a probarlo si que entraba... Igual pillamos algo de lag en el momento, prueba otra vez. Una cosa yo entre a jugar con un amigo y aunque ambos estabamos en el mismo sitio no nos veiamos... No se si entraria en otro…
Si, he visto guilds muy interesantes por el foro pero todas en ingles XD. A lo que me referia es que si queremos crear una guild de habla hispana (o predominio de habla hispana) debemos ser algo mas abiertos, las guilds especificas estan muy bien y son muy chulas de rolear, a mi me encantaria crear un conclave de magos por…
Buenas! Tienes razon, coincide con tildes y nuestra letra particular... En cuanto a la guild que comentas, he echado un ojo a vuestro post y aunque resulta muy interesante, creo que una guild exclusiva de tematica drow es algo demasiado cerrado. Si somos pocos espanoles roleadores y ademas montamos guilds tan cerradas no…